CentraSite 10.3 | CentraSite User’s Guide | Runtime Governance | Access Token Management | Managing Access Tokens through CentraSite Business UI | Changing the Default Scheduler for Resending Undelivered Access Tokens
Changing the Default Scheduler for Resending Undelivered Access Tokens
If access tokens are not delivered during the retry attempts, the undelivered tokens are flagged and stored in the CentraSite's internal database.
When CentraSite is configured to API Portal 9.12, CentraSite uses a default scheduler that is scheduled to run once every two hours (120 minutes) to pick up the undelivered tokens, and resend them to API Portal.
To reschedule the scheduler to run at a different time interval (other than the default 120 minutes), change the global value of PollingInterval in the centrasite.xml file.
*To change the default scheduler for resending undelivered access tokens
1. Open the customization file, centrasite.xml, in a rich text editor.
You can find the centrasite.xml file on <CentraSiteInstall_Directory>\cast\cswebapps\BusinessUI\custom\conf.
2. Locate the property named <AccessTokenPublishSettings>.
The property <AccessTokenPublishSettings> is commented and would look like the following:
<!-- <AccessTokenPublishSettings>
<!-- Undelivered API Keys and OAuth tokens is
delivered periodically -->
<!-- Interval duration is minutes -->
<!-- Default polling interval is 120 minutes -->
</AccessTokenPublishSettings> -->
3. Uncomment the property <AccessTokenPublishSettings>.
4. Change the default value set for the property PollingInterval.
5. Save the configuration file.
6. Restart Software AG Runtime for the changes to take effect.
If at a later time, you want to switch to the default scheduler settings, comment the property <AccessTokenPublishSettings>, and then restart Software AG Runtime.