CentraSite 10.3 | CentraSite User’s Guide | Taxonomy Management | Managing Taxonomies through CentraSite Control | Deleting Taxonomy Categories
Deleting Taxonomy Categories
You can access this page only if you have the Use the Administration UI permission in CentraSite.
This functionality applicable only to CentraSite Control has been deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
The following general guidelines apply when deleting categories of a taxonomy:
*To delete a category, you must first delete all of the sub-categories underneath it.
*You cannot delete a category if objects are currently classified by the category.
*You cannot delete categories from the predefined taxonomies provided by CentraSite (not even if you belong to a role with Manage Taxonomies permission).
*To delete categories
1. In CentraSite Control, go to Administration > Taxonomies.
2. In the list of taxonomies, click the chevron next to the taxonomy name to expand the list of categories.
3. Right-click a category that you want to delete, and click Delete.
You can also select multiple categories, and click Delete
4. Click OK in the confirmation dialog box.
Each selected category is removed from the taxonomy.