CentraSite 10.3 | CentraSite User’s Guide | Taxonomy Management | Managing Taxonomies through CentraSite Control | Adding Taxonomy
Adding Taxonomy
You can access this page only if you have the Use the Administration UI permission in CentraSite. Also, you can create a taxonomy only if you have the Manage Taxonomies permission.
*To add a taxonomy
1. In CentraSite Control, go to Administration > Taxonomies.
2. In the Taxonomies page, click Add Taxonomy.
3. In the area labeled Taxonomy Information, provide the required information for each of the displayed data fields.
Name of the taxonomy.
This is the name that users see when they search for assets using the Browse catalog page. The name must be meaningful (for example, Software AG ASIA-PAC and not SAG-AP).
A taxonomy name can contain any character (including spaces), and must be unique within the CentraSite registry.
Optional. The description for the taxonomy.
This description appears when a user displays the list of taxonomies in the Taxonomies page.
Optional. Name of the file that contains additional external documentation for the taxonomy.
You can use Browse option to locate the file.
Taxonomy is browsable
Optional. Select this check box to allow the taxonomy to be visible to users for filtering and classification purposes in CentraSite Control.
Optional. The location of a bitmap file that contains an icon that is displayed in the user interface to identify this taxonomy.
The bitmap format must be either JPG, GIF, or PNG and it must be 16x16 pixels, to match the size of the existing taxonomies.
4. To specify the object types that are allowed to use the taxonomy for association purposes, click Applicable to Object Types and perform the following:
a. Click Applicable to Object Types.
b. In the Applicable to Object Types dialog box, select the check box for one object type, or select the check boxes for multiple object types that you want to associate with the taxonomy.
c. Click OK.
5. To enable other users to view, modify, and delete a taxonomy that you have created, you must modify the taxonomy's permission settings. To do this, click the Permissions tab and perform the following:
a. Click Add Users/Groups.
b. In the Add Users/Groups dialog box, select one or more users and groups to which you want to assign permissions.
c. To filter the list of users and groups, type a partial string in the Search field.
CentraSite applies the filter to the Name column.
d. Click OK.
e. In the Permissions tab, select the View, Modify, and Full check boxes to assign appropriate permissions to each user and group in the Users/Groups list.
f. Click OK.
6. Click Save.
The newly created taxonomy is added to the CentraSite registry or repository.