CentraSite 10.3 | CentraSite User’s Guide | Runtime Governance | Runtime Events and Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Metrics | Managing Runtime Events and Metrics through CentraSite Control | Displaying Event Information for Targets
Displaying Event Information for Targets
If you are using the Mediator target, ensure that Mediator is configured to send event notifications to the destination(s) that are applicable for each event type. For details, see Administering webMethods Mediator.
You must have the permissions to manage targets.
*To view a list of runtime events for targets
1. In CentraSite Control, go to Operations > Events > Event List.
2. Provide the following information to filter the event list:
In this field...
Target Type
The type of the target whose events you want to view.
The target whose events you want to view (or select All to view events of all targets).
Event Type
A particular event type, or select All to view all event types.
Service Type
Select All or Virtual Service.
Note:CentraSite does not provide out-of-the-box policy-enforcement for web services.
Date Range
A range of dates from which to view the events.
Start Date
Alternatively, select the check box next to this field and click the calendar and select a starting date and time.
End Date
Click the calendar and select an ending date and time.
3. Click Search.
The generated event list displays the following information:
The date and time that the event occurred. Click this hyperlinked value to view the Event Detail page that contains the event's SOAP request or response name in the Attribute column. Click the hyperlinked request or response name to display the full SOAP request or response.
Session ID
(Read-only). The session ID that generated the event.
Event Type
(Read-only). The type of event (for example, Monitoring, Policy Violation, Error, and so on).
Service Name
(Read-only). The name of the service that caused the event.
Service Type
(Read-only). The service’s type.
(Read-only). The target on which the event occurred.
Target Type
(Read-only). The type of the target on which the event occurred.