CentraSite 10.3 | CentraSite User’s Guide | Runtime Governance | Run-Time Alias Management | Referencing the Runtime Aliases in Virtual Services
Referencing the Runtime Aliases in Virtual Services
Once you have defined the runtime (routing) aliases, you need to reference them in the virtual services. Before you do this, the following prerequisites must be met:
*Ensure that the gateways for the aliases have already been created. For example, Development, Testing, and Production gateways.
*Ensure that you have the API Run-time Provider role for creating an alias.
*Ensure that you have the Mediator Publisher role for publishing the aliases to Mediator.
*To reference an alias in a virtual service
1. In CentraSite Business UI, access the Advanced Search panel in one of the following ways:
*Click the Browse link in the upper-left corner of the menu bar.
*Click the Search icon next to the Scope list. The default search scope is Assets.
This displays a list of defined assets for which you have the View permission in the Search Results page.
2. In the Additional Search Criteria list, select Asset Types.
3. To search for the assets of type, Virtual Service, click Choose.
4. In the Choose Asset Types dialog box, select the Assets option button, and then follow these steps:
a. Click the chevron next to Assets option button.
b. In the displayed list of asset types, select Virtual Service.
c. Click OK.
5. In the displayed list of Virtual Services, click the Virtual Service for which you want to reference the runtime alias.
This opens the Virtual Service Details page. Also, the actions bar displays a set of actions that are available for working with the virtual service.
6. On the actions bar of the Virtual Service Details page, click Virtualize.
This opens the Virtualize <Service_Name> (Step 2 of 3) wizard.
7. For Simple and Endpoint aliases. In the Policy Actions window, Policy Enforcement > Routing section, select one of the following routing actions and use ${<aliasname>} (<aliasname> is the name of the alias specified in the previous step) in Route to, to form the complete routing URL:
Routing Action
Straight Through Routing
Routes the requests directly to a native endpoint that you specify.
Context Based Routing
Route requests to different endpoints based on specific values that appear in the request message.
Content Based Routing
Route requests to different endpoints based on specific criteria that you specify.
Load Balancing and Failover Routing
Routes the requests across multiple endpoints.
Dynamic Routing
Route requests to a dynamic URL based on specific criteria that you specify.
8. For Secure alias only. In the Policy Actions window, Policy Enforcement > Outbound Authentication:
a. Select one of the following authentication actions:
Routing Action
HTTP Basic Authentication
Use when native API enforces basic authentication. Based on the modes selected, Mediator either uses configured basic authentication credentials to invoke a native service or it uses credentials from the authorization header of the incoming request to access the native API.
NTLM Authentication
Used when native API enforces NTLM authentication. Based on the modes selected, Mediator either uses configured authentication credentials to obtain the NTLM token to invoke the native service or it uses credentials from the authorization header of the incoming request to obtain the NTLM token to access the native API.
OAuth2 Authentication
Used when native API enforces OAuth authorization. Based on the modes selected, Mediator either uses configured OAauth token to invoke the native service or it uses the OAauth token of the incoming request to access native service.
Kerberos Authentication
Used when service provider wants a web service client that does not have the ability to generate the Kerberos token to access the service enforced with the Kerberos policy. It is also used when service provider wants a web service client to access a service enforced with the Kerberos policy.
b. For Authenticate Using, select Secure Alias.
c. Type the Alias name.
9. For webMethods Integration Server only. In the Policy Actions > Request Handling or in the Response Processing window, select Invoke webMethods Integration Server.
To configure Invoke webMethods Integration Server:
a. Select webMethods IS Service Alias in the Select Type option.
b. Type the alias name (already created) in the webMethods IS Service Alias field.
10. For Transformation Alias only, select one of the following:
*Policy Actions > Request Handling > Request Transformation
*Policy Actions > Response Processing > Response Transformation
To configure Request or Response Transformation:
a. Select Tranformation Alias in the Select Type option.
b. Type the alias name (already created) in the Transformation Alias field.
11. Click Virtualize.