CentraSite 10.3 | CentraSite User’s Guide | Report Management | Managing Reports and Report Templates through CentraSite Business UI | Changing the Default Scheduler for Generating Reports
Changing the Default Scheduler for Generating Reports
By default, CentraSite contains the default settings for report scheduler. The default scheduler is set to run at 1 AM each night and use 8 threads to execute the scheduled reports. If necessary, you can specify a different scheduler.
CentraSite uses the global values set for ReportSchedulingTime and ReportSchedulingThreads to execute the default report scheduler. By default, ReportSchedulingTime is set to 1 AM and ReportSchedulingThreads is set to 8.
To reschedule the scheduler to run at a different time (other than the default 1 AM) and the number of threads (other than the default 8), change the global values set for ReportSchedulingTime and ReportSchedulingThreads in the centrasite.xml file.
*To modify the default report scheduler
1. Open the customization file, centrasite.xml, in a rich text editor.
You can find the centrasite.xml file on <CentraSiteInstall_Directory>\cast\cswebapps\BusinessUI\custom\conf.
2. Locate the property named <ReportSchedulingSettings> in the configuration file.
The property <ReportSchedulingSettings> is commented and would look like the following:
<!-- Specify hour or day when reports are checked for daily
execution - example 22 for 10 PM -->
<!-- Number of threads to be used for reports execution -->
3. Clear the comment for the property <ReportSchedulingSettings>.
4. Change the default values set for the report scheduler properties - ReportSchedulingTime and ReportSchedulingThreads.
The property details are:
Specifies the hour of day when reports are checked for daily execution. For example, if you want to execute a report at 10 PM, then you would specify a value of 22.
Specifies the number of threads to be used for reports execution.
5. Save the configuration file.
6. Restart Software AG Runtime for the changes to take effect.
If at a later time, you want to switch to the default scheduler settings, comment the property <ReportSchedulingSettings>, and then restart Software AG Runtime.