CentraSite 10.3 | CentraSite User’s Guide | Report Management | Managing Reports and Report Templates through CentraSite Business UI | Downloading Reports
Downloading Reports
You can download and save reports for a later use.
You may consider downloading a report if you want to:
*Work with the report data. For example, you can download your report to Excel format and then continue to work with the data in Excel format.
*Print the report in a different format. For example, you can download the report to the PDF file format and then print it.
*Save a copy of the report as another file type. For example, you can download a report to Word format and save it as another file type.
*To download a report
1. In the CentraSite Business UI activity bar, click Reports.
2. In the displayed list of report templates, select the report template you want to use for report generation.
3. Click Download As.
CentraSite displays the supported formats to download the report.
Comma separated value (CSV) File
The Comma-Separated Value (.csv) format renders a report as a flattened representation of data from a report in a standardized, plain-text format that is easily readable and usable with many other applications, for example spread sheet applications.
PDF document
The PDF (.pdf) format renders a report to files that can be opened in Adobe Acrobat and other third-party PDF viewers.
Word document
The Word (.docx) format renders a report as a Word document that is compatible with Microsoft Word.
Excel document
The Excel (.xlsx) format renders a report as an Excel document that is compatible with Microsoft Excel.
4. In the Download As list, select a format to download the report.
If you have selected a template which includes required parameters, you are prompted to provide the required parameters in the Report Parameter dialog box to generate the report successfully.
5. In the Report Parameter dialog box, provide the required information for each of the displayed data fields.
The data fields displayed depend on the report you wish to generate.
6. Click OK.
When you do this, you are prompted to do one of the following:
*Click Open to display the report in the selected format. For example, if you have previously selected the Excel document format, the generated report is displayed in an Excel spreadsheet.
*Click Save to save the newly generated report in CentraSite registry. For example, if you have previously selected the Excel document format, the generated report is saved as an .xlsv file.
Some of the report parameters, for example, Organization, can have the Name value that starts with a special character: + (plus sign), - (minus sign or hyphen), @ (at sign), = (equal sign), / (forward slash), % (percentage), and " (double quote). When generating report for an organization (for example, +Organization ABC) using the download option as Comma separated value (CSV) File in CentraSite Business UI, the Name value will be prefixed with ' (single quote) character ('+Organization ABC) to prevent the formula injection in Microsoft Excel.