CentraSite 10.3 | CentraSite User’s Guide | Portlet Management | Adding a Portlet to Your Welcome Page | Creating a Graphical Portlet
Creating a Graphical Portlet
You can create a custom graphical portlet and add the newly created graphical portlet to your Welcome page using the Create Portlet dialog box in CentraSite Business UI.
*To create a Graphical portlet
1. In CentraSite Business UI, click the Welcome link in the upper-right corner of the header area.
The Welcome page displays a list of portlets that are configured for your view.
2. Click the configure link (below the label Welcome to CentraSite Business UI).
The Configure your Welcome Page dialog box displays the list of portlets that are available to you.
3. In the Configure Your Welcome Page dialog box, click the create a new portlet link.
4. In the Create Portlet dialog box, provide the required information for each of the displayed data fields:
Name of the portlet. A portlet name can contain any character (including spaces).
A portlet name does not need to be unique within the Welcome page. However, to reduce ambiguity, you should avoid giving multiple portlets of the same type the same name. As a best practice, we recommend that you adopt appropriate naming conventions to ensure that portlets are distinctly named within the Welcome page.
(Optional). The description for the portlet.
The portlet display type, Graphical.
Data Feed
The saved search query for the portlet.
Chart Type
The chart type. The supported types include:
*Bar Chart
*Line Chart
*Pie Chart
Bar Chart is the default.
X-axis Label and Feed
(For Bar and Line charts). The label that displays for the X-axis. A label can contain any character (including spaces).
Select the attribute that you want to show in the X-axis, relative to the specified search query.
Y-axis Label and Feed
(For Bar and Line charts).The label that displays for the Y-axis. A label can contain any character (including spaces).
Select the attribute that you want to show in the Y-axis, relative to the specified search query.
Vertical Bar
(For Bar and Line charts).The Vertical Bar option button specifies whether the display of the data is in a horizontal bar or a vertical bar format.
The allowed values are Yes or No. Default Yes.
X-axis Value Orientation
(For Bar and Line charts). The X-axis Value Orientation option button specifies whether the display of the X-axis data is in a horizontal or a vertical direction.
The allowed values are Vertical or Horizontal with the default being Vertical.
Attribute Label
(For Pie charts). An attribute that displays in the pie chart, relative to the specified search query.
Attribute Value
(For Pie charts). A value for the attribute that dynamically displays in the pie chart, relative to the specified attribute label.
5. Click the chevron to expand the Advanced Settings panel. Provide the required information for each of the displayed data fields:
(Optional). A set of actions that are available for the configuration of the Graphical portlet.
The default actions include:
Icon URL
(Optional). The path to an image file that is used to represent this portlet in the Welcome page.
Prerequisite: The image file must be in PNG format. To ensure proper alignment when it is displayed in the user interface, the image must be 16 x 16 pixels in size.
The image must reside in the folder <CentraSiteInstall_Directory>\cast\cswebapps\BusinessUI\images\system.
The path for the image should be specified, for example, as images/system/icon.png
Refresh Interval
(Optional). The time interval (in seconds) after which a the portlet content is refreshed.
If a value is not specified (or if the value 0 is specified), refresh will not happen.
Show Plot Values
The Show Plot Values option button determines whether to show or hide the data value of a bar, line, or pie plot.
The default is set to Yes.
Plot Value Position
The Plot Value Position option button specifies the position of the data value in a bar, line, or pie plot.
Possible values are Start, End, Outside.
The default value for a bar or line chart is Outside, and for a pie chart is Start.
Show Plot in Different Color
The Show Plot in Different Color option button determines whether to show each bar, line, or pie plot in a different color.
The default is set to No.
When you set this option to Yes, specify the colors for each bar, line or pie plot in the centrasite.xml customization file. You should specify the colors using the HEX color code format. The HEX format is a hash (#) followed by 6 numbers or letters. The position of the numbers/letters correlate to the RGB value. For example, #0000ff translates into blue.
Show Legend
The Show Legend option button determines whether to show or hide legends in the chart.
The legend appears by default — unless you specify to hide it in the graphical chart.
Show Tooltip
The Show Tooltip option button determines whether to show or hide tooltips in the chart.
The tooltip appears by default — unless you specify to hide it in the graphical chart.
Suppress Zero Values
The Suppress Zero Values option button determines how rows or columns containing zero values are handled in the portlet. When this option button is selected, any row or column that contains a value equal to zero is hidden in the portlet.
By default, the Suppress Zero Values property is set to Yes.
6. Click OK.
The portlet that you just created is added to the CentraSite Registry Repository, and you are redirected to the Configure Your Welcome Page dialog box.
By default, the newly created portlet is disabled and is not displayed in the Welcome page.
7. In the Configure Your Welcome Page dialog box, select the newly created portlet to add to your Welcome page.
8. Click OK.
The newly created portlet is displayed in your personalized Welcome page.