CentraSite 10.3 | CentraSite User’s Guide | Runtime Governance | Run-Time Policy Management | Managing Run-Time Policies through CentraSite Business UI | Creating a Run-Time Policy
Creating a Run-Time Policy
To create a new run-time policy in CentraSite, you must have one of the following permissions:
*To create policies for a specific organization, you must have the Manage Run-Time Policies permission for that organization. By default, users in the CentraSite Administrator, Organization Administrator, or Policy Administrator role have this permission.
*To create system-wide policies (that is, policies that apply to all organization within an instance of CentraSite ), you must have the Manage System-Wide Run-Time Policies permission. By default, users in the CentraSite Administrator role and Operations Administrator role have this permission.
*To create a run-time policy
1. In the CentraSite Business UI activity bar, click Governance Rules.
2. On the actions bar of the Search Results page, click Add Policy.
3. On the Create Run-Time Policy (Step 1 of 3) page, provide the required information for each of the displayed data fields.
a. Specify the basic information for the runtime policy.
In this field...
Do the following...
Type a name for the new policy. A policy name can contain any character (including spaces). A policy name does not need to be unique within the registry. However, to reduce ambiguity, you should avoid giving multiple policies the same name. As a best practice, Software AG recommends that you adopt appropriate naming conventions to ensure that policies are distinctly named within your organization.
(Optional). Type a description for the new policy. This description appears when a user displays a list of policies in the user interface.
(Optional). Specify a version identifier for the new policy.
The version identifier does not need to be numeric.
1.0.0 (beta)
Pre-release 001
The version identifier you type here is the policy's public, user-assigned version identifier.
Apply policy to all organizations
Enable the Apply policy to all organizations checkbox if you want to apply the policy to the specified services in all organizations.
The Apply policy to all organizations checkbox appears if you belong to the CentraSite Administrator role.
Apply Policy to Organization
Alternatively, select an organization to which the policy applies.
The Apply Policy to Organization list contains the names of all organizations if you belong to the API Runtime Provider role.
b. In the Filters panel, specify the scope of the runtime policy.
a. In the Applicable Types section, select the virtual types of services to which this policy applies. Select one of the following:
*Virtual Service
*Virtual REST Service
*Virtual XML Service
*Virtual OData Service
b. In the Filter Criteria section, specify additional selection criteria to narrow the set of services to which this runtime policy applies.
c. Click Next.
4. On the Create Run-Time Policy (Step 2 of 3) page, perform the following:
a. Select the actions that you want CentraSite to execute when it applies this policy.
If necessary, you can click Previous to return to Create Run-Time Policy (Step 1 of 3) and change your scope.
b. Click Save.
c. Configure the parameters for each action on the Message Flow area.
d. Click Next.
5. On the Create Run-Time Policy (Step 3 of 3) page, perform the following:
a. In the Available Gateways list, mark the checkbox next to the name of each gateway (for example, webMethods Mediator) you want to publish the policy. (You can select multiple gateways.)
b. Review the virtual services that are in the scope of this policy and already published to the selected gateways.
Click Previous, if required, to return to Create Run-Time Policy (Step 2 of 3) and modify the action parameters.
6. When you are ready to put the policy into effect, activate and publish the policy.