CentraSite 10.3 | CentraSite User’s Guide | Policy Management | Managing Design and Change-Time Policies through CentraSite Control | Viewing the Policy Log
Viewing the Policy Log
To view this log, you must belong to a role that includes the View Policy Log permission:
*If you belong to the CentraSite Administrator role, you can view all entries in the policy log.
*If you belong to the Organization Administrator role for an organization, you can view the log entries for policies that were triggered by users in your organization.
*If you do not belong to either of these roles, but you have the View Policy Log permission, you can view the log entries for the policies that you triggered.
The policy log contains information about policy that CentraSite has executed. By default, CentraSite only logs information about policies that fail. However, you can optionally configure CentraSite to log information about policies that resulted in success, info, warning, and failure alerts.
Over time, the policy log can grow quite large, especially if you are logging information about successful policies. To prevent the policy log from growing too large, you should purge it periodically.
From your Inbox on the My CentraSite page, you can view the list of policies that failed during events that you triggered. You do not need special permissions to view this log.
*To view the policy log
1. In CentraSite Control, go to Administration > Logs > Policy Log.
2. Complete the following fields to specify which type of log entries you want to view:
In this field...
Object Name
(Optional). A pattern string that describes the names of the objects (of Object Type) whose log entries you want to view.
You can provide the exact name or use a pattern string consisting of a character sequence and the % wild card character (which represents any string of characters). For example, if you specify the pattern string ‘A%', CentraSite displays entities whose names start with ‘A'.
Leave Entity Name empty to view all names.
Policy Type
The type of policy whose log entries you want to view. To view the log entries for design/change-time policies, select Design/Change Time from the drop-down list (if it is not already selected).
Object Type
The object type whose log entries you want to view.
Event Type
The event type whose log entries you want to view.
Policy Status
The policy execution status that you want to view. A policy's execution status is the result set of each of its action's execution result. CentraSite writes the following policy execution status to the policy log depending on the log configuration:
Success. Displays policies that have resulted in success alert.
Info. Displays policies that have resulted in informational alert.
Inprogress. Displays policies that have resulted in inprogress alert.
Warning. Displays policies that have resulted in warning alert.
Failure. Displays policies that have resulted in failure alert.
Execution Date
Optional. The time period that you want to examine. Leave the From and To fields empty to view log entries for all dates.
3. Click Search to retrieve the specified log entries.
4. To view details for a particular entry in the returned list, click the name of the policy.
If a policy included a WS-I action, the log entry for the policy includes a link to the results of the WS-I action.
Viewing the Policy's Action Result
A policy's execution status depends on each of its action's execution result.
When an action in a design/change-time policy completes its execution, it returns a completion code and a completion message. If the completion code indicates success, informational or warning, CentraSite performs the next action in the policy (if one exists) or completes the requested work on the object (for example, it commits the given change to the database) and writes the information to the policy log. The policy log displays a success, informational and warning alert accordingly if configured to log these alerts.
However, if the completion code indicates failure, CentraSite records the error in the policy log. Then it immediately exits the policy. If the policy contains additional actions, those actions are not executed. If the policy was triggered by one of the pre-commit events (for example, during a Pre-Create, Pre-Update or Pre-State Change event) the requested operation is not performed. If the initial request had triggered multiple policies, any policy that had not yet been executed is bypassed.
The policy's execution status is a result set of each of its actions result.
The following table summarizes how a policy's execution status is affected by each of its action's execution result:
The policy's execution status have...
Policy Action A
Policy Action B
Policy Action C
Policy Action D
Policy Action  E
In Progress
In Progress
If you have used a client jar from the version 8.2.2, then CentraSite shows policy's result status as Success in the client side but however on the server side the policy log continues to store the policy's result status as Informational or Warning. This is because, a client jar used from versions of CentraSite prior to version 8.2.5 do not support the above policy status.