CentraSite 10.3 | CentraSite Administrator’s Guide | Managing Logs | Purging Logs | Creating Log Purging Configuration File
Creating Log Purging Configuration File
You create a log purging configuration file, config.xml, to define the log purge settings.
Ensure that the log configuration file contains the XML namespaces for providing uniquely named elements and attributes.
Defining the Log Purge Settings
The LogPurgeSetting element specifies the type of log record to be purged from the CentraSite Registry Repository.
In the LogPurgeSetting element, add an attribute called log and assign it one of the following values:
Log Unit
Purge log records from the Policy Log, which contains information about the design/change-time policies that CentraSite has executed.
Purge log records from the Approval Log, which contains information about all approval requests that have been triggered by a policy with an approval workflow action.
Purge log records from the Audit Log, which contains information on the creation/update activities of a particular asset (including changes in an asset's lifecycle state).
Purge log records from the Run-Time Event Log, which contains information about run-time events that have occurred in a gateway (a policy-enforcement point (PEP) or a run-time monitoring component).
Purge log records from the Run-Time Performance Log, which contains information about run-time metrics for all assets.
This LogPurgeSetting element must look similar to this:
<LogPurgeSetting log="Runtime_Event_Log">
<LogPurgeSetting log="Runtime_Performance_Log">
Define a Log Purge Type
The log purge type attributes provide information about the different type of logs configured to be purged on different days, times, and even how many days of logs to keep.
You can create the purge type attributes that is used by the log purge setting definition.
Within the LogPurgeSetting element, create the following attributes (as required) and assign values.
Log Purge Setting
Specifies a location for the exported files on the database.
Deletes log records that are older than the specified date/time and then exports the records as an archive to the directory specified on the ExportLocation attribute. If there is no ExportLocation attribute specified for the log unit, CentraSite deletes the records without exporting them.
Use xs:dateTime values to indicate the date and time. The default time zone is UTC/GMT.
Deletes log records that are older than the specified time interval and then exports the records as an archive to the directory specified on the ExportLocation attribute. If there is no ExportLocation attribute specified for the log unit, CentraSite deletes the records without exporting them.
Use xs:duration values to indicate the time interval.
For example, to purge all log entries older than 1 month, 10 days, specify:
To purge all log entries, specify:
Specify only positive durations or 0. Negative durations will delete all log entries.
Defines the threshold value for batch purging each of the log units. The default threshold value is 10000.
The LogPurgeSetting element must now look similar to this:
<LogPurgeSetting log="Runtime_Event_Log">
<LogPurgeSetting log="Runtime_Performance_Log">
The final config.xml should look similar to this:
<LogPurgeSetting log="Approval_Log">
<LogPurgeSetting log="Runtime_Event_Log">
<LogPurgeSetting log="Runtime_Performance_Log">
Ensure that you copy this file somewhere within the file system of the machine where CentraSite is installed.