CentraSite 10.3 | CentraSite User’s Guide | Introduction | Using the CentraSite Business User Interface | Logging on to CentraSite Business UI as Registered User
Logging on to CentraSite Business UI as Registered User
*To log on to CentraSite Business UI as a registered user
1. Open a web browser and navigate to CentraSite Business UI.
2. In the Login screen, type the user name for your CentraSite account in the Username field.
3. Type the password for your CentraSite account in the Password field.
You may opt to select the Remember me check box to store the specified login credentials as a cookie in your computer.
This cookie contains information that Software AG Runtime can use to authenticate your user credentials automatically the next time you visit the CentraSite Business UI.
The display of the Remember me check box in the Login screen is controlled by the RememberMe visibility property in the centrasite.xml configuration file.
<RememberMe visibility="true"/>
4. Click Log In.