CentraSite 10.3 | CentraSite User’s Guide | Introduction | Using the CentraSite Control User Interface | My Favorites | Adding an Object to My Favorites
Adding an Object to My Favorites
In CentraSite Control, you can combine objects of different types into so-called lists. These are user-defined logical collections that allow you to treat the whole list as a single entity. You can, for example, create a list containing assets, organizations and users, then perform an Export operation on the list, the resulting export set contains all of the objects contained in the list.
When you add objects to a list, CentraSite does not physically copy the objects into the list. Instead, the list contains pointers to the objects. This means, for example, that if you delete a list, you only delete the pointers to the physical objects but you do not delete the physical objects themselves.
The lists that you create are shown in CentraSite Control under My CentraSite > My Favorites.
*To add an object to a list in My Favorites
1. In CentraSite Control, display the objects that you wish to add to the list.
For example, if you wish to add an asset to a list, select Asset Catalog > Browse and locate the asset that you want to add to My Favorites.
2. Open the object's context menu and select Add To List.
3. To add the object to an existing list, select the list from the drop-down list in the dialog box. Otherwise type a name in the text box to create a new list.
4. Select OK.