CentraSite 10.3 | CentraSite Developer's Guide | Importing Objects Using API | Invoking Importer through Command Line | Executing Script File to Invoke Importer | Importing REST Service
Importing REST Service
*To import a REST Service from the command line
*Run your importer script file or use the delivered import Service script.
The syntax is of the format: yourScriptFile -s xmlFileURI -n serviceName -e endpointURL -m httpMethods -user yourCSUserID -password yourPassword
To get an overview of all available parameters, call the script without any option. Use the -help option to get a detailed description of the parameters.
import Service -s http://fs02hq/xml/myService.xsd -n myXMLService -e http://appsvr02:53307/myService -m GET PUT -user myUser -password myPassword