CentraSite 10.3 | CentraSite User’s Guide | Group Management | Managing Groups through CentraSite Control | Viewing the Group List
Viewing the Group List
To view the group list, you must have the Manage Organizations permission or at least the Manage Users permission for an organization in CentraSite.
Users who have the Manage Organizations permission have the Manage Users permission by implication.
In CentraSite Control, you can view the list of groups in one of the following ways:
*Through the Groups page.
*Through the Edit Organization page.
*To view the list of groups
*Through the Groups page. Go to Administration > Users > Groups to display a list of groups currently defined in CentraSite. To filter the list to see just a subset of the available groups, type a partial string in the Search field.
CentraSite applies the filter to the Name column. The Search field is a type-ahead field, so as soon as you type any characters, the display is updated to show only those groups whose name contains the specified characters. The wildcard character % is supported.
If you type...
CentraSite displays
Names that contain b
Names that contain bar
All names
The Groups page provides the following information about each group:
Name of the group.
Name of the organization to which the group belongs.
Short description of the group.
You can adjust the view to show or hide the individual columns by using the Select Columns icon that is located in the upper-right corner of the Groups page.
The shortcut menu of a particular group displays one or more actions that you can perform on that group.
Displays the details page of the group.
Deletes the group.
Impact Analysis
Helps to easily visualize the associations that exist between the group and registry objects.
*Through the Edit Organization page. Go to Administration > Organizations.
1. Right-click an organization and click Details.
This opens the Edit Organization page.
2. Click the Groups profile.
This displays a list of defined groups in the organization.