CentraSite 10.3 | CentraSite User’s Guide | Group Management | Managing Groups through CentraSite Business UI | Modifying Group Details
Modifying Group Details
To modify group details, you must have the Manage Organizations permission in CentraSite.
You can perform the group modification tasks from the Group Details page. The modification is broken up across the different profiles in the Group Details page, which means that modifications done in each profile are independent of each other and must be saved individually. The modifications you can perform in each profile is outlined in the subsequent sections.
The following general guidelines apply when modifying an existing group information:
*If you are a user with the Organization Administrator role, you can change the values of the following attributes - Group Name and Group Description.
*If you are a user with the CentraSite Administrator role, you can additionally change the value of the attribute - Group Organization.
*If the group is an external repository group, then the Edit icon is disabled, since modifying an external repository group is not supported.
*To modify the basic details of a group
1. In the CentraSite Business UI activity bar, click Organizations.
2. Click the organization to which the group belongs.
3. In the Organization Details page, click the Groups profile.
4. Click a group whose details you want to modify.
This opens the Group Details page. Also, the actions bar displays the set of actions that are available for working with the displayed group.
5. To modify the group's details displayed in the Basic Information profile, click Edit.
6. Modify the values for the group’s fields in the Group Details page as required.
7. Click Save to update the group information.