CentraSite 10.3 | CentraSite User’s Guide | Exporting and Importing Registry Objects | Exporting and Importing Registry Objects through Command Line | Importing Objects from an Archive Through the Command Line
Importing Objects from an Archive Through the Command Line
To import objects through the CentraSite Command Line Interface, you must have the CentraSite Administrator role.
You can import registry objects from an archive into the CentraSite registry.
CentraSite provides a command tool named ImportArchive for this purpose.
*Run the command tool ImportArchive.
The syntax is of the format: C:\SoftwareAG\CentraSite\utilities>ImportArchive.cmd <CentraSite URL> <archive filename> <username> <password> [-help] [-setreplace] [-keepowner] [-setowner name] [-keeporganization] [-keeplcmstate] [-removemissingreferences] [-importgroup] [-executewsdlpolicy] [-importorg id] [-importorgname name] [-ignoreauthtokens] [-simulate] [-importkeys id[,id...] [-sequential [-minimizeaudits] [-listonly] [-skip cnt]]
The input parameters and options are:
(Optional). The URL of the CentraSite registry/repository. For example, http://localhost:53307/CentraSite/CentraSite
The name of the exported archive (Zip) file. The archive file can contain an organization with its assets or can contain a set of objects that were exported from one or more organizations.
The user ID of a registered CentraSite user who has the CentraSite Administrator role. For example, Administrator.
The password for the CentraSite user identified by the parameter username.
(Optional). Display the full description of ImportArchive command (with detailed parameters and options description).
(Optional). Execute the WSDL Regeneration policy for service import. By default, the command execution ignores the policy.
(Optional). Ignore the version check on asset types.
(Optional). Import the groups that include a single user.
-importkeys id[,id...]
(Optional). Import only those objects which have keys specified.
-importorg id
(Optional). Import the objects into the organization specified by the UUID.
-importorgname name
(Optional). Import the objects into the organization specified by the name.
(Optional). Keep the LCM state of the object which is set at export.
(Optional). Keep the object owner instead of assigning the importing user.
(Optional). Keep the organization of the imported objects instead of assigning the active one performing the message logging.
(Optional). Print only the list of objects to be imported. The -listonly option can be used to adjust the -skip option. No updates will be performed with the -sequential option.
(Optional). Import only first and last audit record for each object, along with the -sequential option.
(Optional). Remove all missing associations that could cause dangling references.
-setowner name
(Optional). All the imported objects will be set to a specified user.
(Optional). Replace objects if already present in the target registry.
(Optional). Simulate the import, however, do not updates the objects in the target registry.
(Optional). Imports the objects sequentially in a reasonable order.
-skip cnt
(Optional). Skip records before importing, along with the -sequential option.
(Optional). Ignore API keys and OAuth2 tokens of the imported assets.
Example (all in one line):
The command for importing an archive into CentraSite running on host myhost, and force a replacement of all assets from archive in the CentraSite registry, with an administrator account INTERNAL\Admin and password AdminPW would be:
C:\SoftwareAG\CentraSite\utilities>ImportArchive.cmd -setreplace http://myhost:53307/CentraSite/CentraSite c:/tmp/export.zip INTERNAL\Admin AdminPW