CentraSite 10.3 | CentraSite User’s Guide | Exporting and Importing Registry Objects | Exporting and Importing Registry Objects through CentraSite Business UI | Exporting Objects through CentraSite Business UI
Exporting Objects through CentraSite Business UI
To export an object, you must have View permission for the object you want to export.
With CentraSite Business UI, you can export one or more objects in each export operation. The export operation creates an archive file on the file system. The archive file consists a copy of the objects that you have exported. The archive file can be then imported into the same CentraSite registry or into a new registry.
Currently, you can do the export operation only for assets in CentraSite Business UI.
*To export an asset or a set of assets
1. In CentraSite Business UI, click the Browse link that is located in the upper-left corner of the menu bar.
2. In the Additional Search Criteria list, select Asset Types, and click Choose.
This opens the Choose Asset Types dialog box.
3. Select Assets check box and click OK.
This displays a list of defined users in the Search Results page.
4. Select an asset or set of assets you want to export and click Export from the action bar.
The Export dialog box shows the selected object.
5. Expand the Advanced Settings to display a list of the additional export options.
The available options depend on the type of object you wish to export.
Object type
Available export options
*Include assets referenced by selected assets
If the selected assets contain references to other assets, then include the referenced assets also in the export set. This selection process is repeated recursively until all asset references are satisfied.
6. If the selected assets contain references to other assets, select the Include assets checkbox to include the referenced assets also in the export set.
This selection process is repeated recursively until all asset references are satisfied.
7. Click Apply Settings.
8. The Export dialog box displays the list of selected assets and its dependent assets.
The checkbox beside each asset indicates whether or not the asset should be included in the export set. By default, all displayed assets are included in the export set.
If you wish to remove an asset from the export set, clear its checkbox. This removes the asset and all of its dependent assets (if any) from the export set.
9. Click Export to start the export operation.
If none of the asset is selected for export, the Export button is disabled.
If at any time you wish to abandon all your changes and return to your previous screen, just click the Cancel button.
An Export Progress popup will display the export progress bar.
10. Click Download if you wish to download the export archive file.
This starts the creation of the archive file.
The Download button remains disabled until the export operation is completed.
The default location to which the archive file is downloaded is My Documents\Downloads.