CentraSite 10.3 | CentraSite Developer's Guide | Customizing CentraSite | Customization of CentraSite Business UI | Customizing CentraSite Content Page | Installing an Extension | Setting up GWT
Setting up GWT
*Ensure that you have a recent Eclipse version installed on your machine. Eclipse is available as a download from http://www.eclipse.org/. In Eclipse, select Help > Install New Software in order to configure usage of GWT plug-in with the Java version currently supported by CentraSite.
*The system requirements can be checked at http://documentation.softwareag.com/.
*To set up GWT
1. Set the classpath to specify the classpath variables for the new GTW project.
a. In Eclipse, select Window > Preferences > Java > Build Path
b. Expand the Build Path node.
c. Select the Classpath Variables.
d. In the Classpath Variables dialog, select New. This opens the New Variable Entry dialog box.
e. Specify a name for the new classpath variable (CENTRASITE_REDIST_LOCATION) and the location. You can find the redist folder in <CentraSiteInstall_Directory> (Microsoft Windows) or /opt/softwareag/CentraSite/redist (UNIX).
f. Click OK.
g. In the Classpath Variables dialog box, click OK.
h. Specify a second classpath variable CENTRASITE_RTS_LOCATION. You can find the rts folder in <CentraSiteInstall_Directory>.
Two new Java classpath variables called CENTRASITE_REDIST_LOCATION and CENTRASITE_RTS_LOCATION have been created due to the previous actions.
i. Add all of the JAR files contained in the redist folder to the classpath.
In addition, if you upgrade to CentraSite 9.7 from a previous version of CentraSite, and you want to use the extension points of the previous version, you must do the following:
a. Open the MANIFEST.MF file located in the directory old_<CentraSiteInstall_Directory>\cast\cswebapps\BusinessUI\META-INF.
b. You find the relative path of the jar files, for example, CentraSiteBUIExtension.jar and CentraSiteBUIExtensionCore.jar, in the Bundle-ClassPath section:
c. Copy the file path into the Bundle-ClassPath section in the MANIFEST.MF file located in the directory 9.7_<CentraSiteInstall_Directory>\cast\cswebapps\BusinessUI\META-INF.
If you have created custom extensions in your previous version of CentraSite, ensure that you include their associated jar files into the META-INF folder.
d. Add the extension's associated Java archives to the directory 9.7_<CentraSiteInstall_Directory>\cast\cswebapps\BusinessUI\META-INF.
e. Save the modifications.
f. Restart the Software AG Runtime.
2. Import the GWT project.
a. Select File > Import from the main menu.
b. On the Select page of the Import wizard, select Existing Projects into Workspace and click Next.
c. On the Import Projects dialog, choose the Select root directory radio button.
d. Click the Browse button that is located beside the input field labeled Select root directory. The Browse for Folder dialog is displayed.
e. Within the Browse for Folder dialog, navigate to and click on the CentraSiteBUIExtension folder of the Software AG Runtime application.
This folder contains the definitions for the extensions that CentraSite supports out of the box. The CentraSiteBUIExtension folder resides in the demos folder under the CentraSite installation directory.
f. Click OK.
g. In the Import Projects dialog, click Finish.
A new Java project called CentraSiteBUIExtension has been created due to the previous actions. This project is now visible in the Package Explorer view in Eclipse. It contains example implementations of the existing extension points for the Business UI. You can modify them to suit your needs. For using your own Widget as Extension Point, specify it as a return value in the ExtensionWidgetFactory class in the com.softwareag.centrasite.bui.extension.client.factory package.
h. Open the file build.properties. Type the paths to your GoogleWebToolkit_HOME, the Extension target location, the redist and the rts folder. Now the project can be build using apache ant. Run the build.xml script.
i. To install the extension, use the ant deploy target. Open command line and navigate to your project location. Type: ant deploy.