CentraSite 10.3 | CentraSite Developer's Guide | Customizing CentraSite | Customization of CentraSite Business UI | Customizing CentraSite Content Page | Installing an Extension | Configuring an Extension
Configuring an Extension
We have now created a Java project inside the Business UI web application. The extension functionality for the CentraSite Business UI is contained in the custom configuration file. You can configure this file to adapt to the appropriate extensions as required
*To configure an extension
1. Open the customization file, centrasite.xml, in a rich text editor.
You can find the centrasite.xml file on <CentraSiteInstall_Directory>\cast\cswebapps\BusinessUI\custom\conf.
2. Open the file in a text editor, and locate the configuration entry EXTENSION POINTS.
<Extensions src="">
<! --centrasitebuiextension/centrasitebuiextension.nocache.js -->
<ExtensionPointLogin custom="false" />
<ExtensionPointRegister custom="false" />
<ExtensionPointBrowseView custom="false" />
<ExtensionPointBrowseCriteria custom="false" />
<ExtensionPointSearchWidget custom="false" />
<ExtensionPointSearch custom="false" />
<ExtensionPointSearchCriteria custom="false" />
<ExtensionPointAssetDetails custom="false" />
<ExtensionPlaces protected="true">
<ExtensionPlace className=
3. Specify the extensions file path as CentraSiteBUIExtension/centrasitebuiextension.nocache.js in order to point to the location of the Java script file.
4. Identify the extension point that you want to configure to the CentraSite Business UI.
5. Enable the extension point by modifying its custom value from false to true. The default value is false.
6. After making the above changes, the extension entry would look like this:
<Extensions src="centrasitebuiextension/centrasitebuiextension.nocache.js">
<ExtensionPointLogin custom="true" />
<ExtensionPointRegister custom="true" />
<ExtensionPointBrowseView custom="true" />
<ExtensionPointBrowseCriteria custom="true" />
<ExtensionPointSearchWidget custom="true" />
<ExtensionPointSearch custom="true" />
<ExtensionPointSearchCriteria custom="true" />
<ExtenstionPointAssetDetails custom="true" />
<ExtensionPlaces protected="true">
<ExtensionPlace className=
"com.softwareag.centrasite.bui.client.place.home.ExtensionPlace" />
7. Save and close the file.
8. Locate the web.xml configuration file.
You can find the web.xml file on <CentraSiteInstall_Directory>\cast\cswebapps\BusinessUI\WEB-INF.
9. Open the file in a text editor, and locate the ExtensionServlet entry:
10. Uncomment the ExtensionServlet entry in order to enable the extension configurations that are performed in the previous actions. Similarly, if the extension configuration is already enabled and you want to disable it, simply comment out the ExtensionServlet entry.
11. Save and close the file.
12. Restart Software AG Runtime.
The extension point's readme file is recommended for reading. The readme file is available in the <CentraSiteInstall_Directory>\demos\CentraSiteBUIExtension directory.