CentraSite 10.3 | CentraSite User’s Guide | Runtime Governance | Consumer Management | Unregistering Existing Consumer
Unregistering Existing Consumer
To unregister an existing consumer, you must have the Modify Assets permission or at least the Modify instance-level permission on the specified asset or the consumer (which is represented by an individual user, group, or an asset).
To unregister an existing consumer, the following conditions must be satisfied:
*The user, group, or asset should be currently registered as consumer for the specified asset.
*You are the owner of the asset from that you want to unregister a consumer.
You can unregister an existing consumer using the Asset Details page.
You might consider unregistering a consumer if you want to:
*Suspend consumption of a particular asset (either on a temporary or permanent basis.)
*Delete an asset permanently from the CentraSite registry.
You can restore the functionality of consumption by re-registering the user or asset with the same asset at any time.
The consequences of unregistering an existing consumer on an asset are as follows:
*The count of consumers in the Basic Information profile of the asset is updated.
*Some aspects of runtime such as invocations, performance metrics and other events relating to the operation of a virtual API asset running in Mediator gateway may not work as desired.
*The user, group, or asset should be currently registered as consumer for the specified asset.
*You are the owner of the asset from that you want to unregister the consumer.
*You belong to a role that includes the Modify Assets permission for organization in which the asset resides.
*You have been assigned at least the Modify instance-level permission on the specified asset or the consumer (which is represented by an individual user, group, or an asset).
You can unregister an existing consumer in CentraSite Business UI in the following ways:
*From the Consumer Asset Details page
*From the Consumed Asset Details page
*To unregister an existing consumer from the consumer asset details page
1. In CentraSite Business UI, access the Advanced Search panel in one of the following ways:
*Click the Browse link that is located in the upper-left corner of the menu bar.
*Click the Search icon that is located next to the Scope list. The default search scope is Assets.
2. In the Additional Search Criteria list, select Asset Types.
3. To search for the list of asset types, click Choose.
4. In the Choose Asset Types dialog box, follow these steps:
a. Click the chevron next to Everything option button.
b. In the list of asset types, select any of the Service type for whose instance you want to unregister the consumer.
c. Click OK.
This displays a list of the Service assets that were defined using the selected types, and that are available to you in the Search Results page.
5. To unregister a consumer, do one of the following:
*Click the consumer asset that you want to unregister.
This opens the Consumer Asset Details page. Also, the actions bar displays a set of actions that are available for working with the asset.
1. Click the Consumed Assets count.
The number of assets consumed by this consumer is typically represented by a numerical prefix to the attribute Consumed Assets in the description area of the Basic Information profile, for example, 3 Consumed Assets.
2. In the displayed list, move the pointer over the asset from which you want to unregister this consumer. This causes a Delete icon to appear, that you can use for unregistering.
3. Click Delete.
4. Click Yes in the confirmation dialog box to proceed with unregistration.
If you unregister an Application asset, you must manually republish the asset to Mediator gateway to put the changes into effect.
*Click the asset that contains the required consumer.
This opens the Consumed Asset Details page. Also, the actions bar displays a set of actions that are available for working with the asset.
1. Click the Consumers count.
The number of assets consuming the displayed asset is typically represented by a numerical prefix to the attribute Consumers in the description area of the Basic Information profile, for example, 3 Consumers.
2. In the displayed list, hover over the consumer you want to unregister. This causes a Delete icon to appear, that you can use for unregistering.
3. Click Delete.
4. Click Yes in the confirmation dialog box to proceed with unregistration.
If you unregister an Application asset, you must manually republish the asset to Mediator gateway to put the changes into effect.