CentraSite 10.3 | CentraSite User’s Guide | Runtime Governance | Consumer Management | Design-Time Consumer Registration Scenario
Design-Time Consumer Registration Scenario
While registering a design-time consumer, the user can select assets as consumers of an asset. However, these assets selected for consumption should have their asset types configured as consuming types for the asset you want to consume in CentraSite. For more details on configuring the assets as consuming types of assets of a particular type, see Adding an Asset Type.
To impose an approval process for consumer registration process, ensure that you have created the required Consumer Registration design-time policy.
At design-time, you might want to register as consumer an asset instance of a base type, for example, an asset of Service type, and would consume an XML Schema asset. This would help to indicate the design-time asset usage.
*To register as consumer an asset in design-time scenario
1. In CentraSite Business UI, access the Advanced Search panel in one of the following ways:
*Click the Browse link that is located in the upper-left corner of the menu bar.
*Click the Search icon that is located next to the Scope list. The default search scope is Assets.
2. In the Additional Search Criteria list, select Asset Types.
3. To search for the list of asset types, click Choose.
This opens the Choose Asset Types dialog box.
4. In the Choose Asset Types dialog box, follow these steps:
a. Click the chevron next to Everything option button.
This displays a list of defined asset types in CentraSite.
b. In the list of asset types, select any of the Service type for whose instance you want to register the consumers.
c. Click OK.
This displays a list of the Service assets that were defined using the selected types, and that are available to you in the Search Results page.
5. Click a Service asset you want to consume.
This opens the Service Details page. Also, the actions bar displays a set of actions that are available for working with the displayed service.
6. On the actions bar of the Service Details page, click Consume.
This opens the Consume Asset dialog box for registering a consumer.
7. To select an existing asset as consumer, do one of the following:
*Type the name of the asset in the text box.
As you enter the partial text, CentraSite returns the top n assets that meet your search text.
*Select the asset you want to register as a consumer. Then click the plus button next to the text box or press Enter to add the asset to the list of currently selected assets in the Consume Asset dialog box.
*Click Choose.
This opens the Choose Consumer Assets dialog box.
*In the Choose Consumer Assets dialog box, do the following:
1. Type the name of the asset that you want to register as a consumer in the text box. Then click the Search icon.
CentraSite populates a set of instances whose asset types are defined to be consumers to instances of this asset type.
2. Select the asset or multiple assets that you want to register, from the list displayed.
3. Click OK.
8. To create and register a new asset:
a. Click the Create asset link.
This opens the Create New Asset page.
b. Select the asset type for which an asset is created. The Types list reflects its behavior in terms of the type definition for the displayed asset. The list contains the list of top-level asset types that you have defined as consuming type in the asset type definition.
For example, if you have defined Applications, Users, Groups, and XML Schemas as consumers in the REST Service type definition, when trying to create a new asset using the Consume action of a displayed REST service, the Types list contains only asset types, namely, Applications, and XML Schemas that are the top-level asset types and defined as consuming types of the REST service.
If none of the asset types, for example, Users, Groups, and a Custom Type, defined as consuming types in the type definition of a displayed REST service is a top-level type, the Create asset link does not appear in the Consume Asset dialog box.
c. After you specify the value for all of the required attributes, click Save to save the new asset.
The Details page for the asset that you just created is displayed.
d. Display the Service Details page of the asset you want to consume, and then click Consume.
e. Repeat step 7 to select the newly created asset to register as a consumer of the Service asset.
9. To remove an asset that is currently selected for consumption, hover over the asset you want to remove. The Delete icon appears.
a. Click Delete.
A confirmation message stating that the selected asset will be removed from the selection list appears .
b. Click Yes to confirm.
10. In the Reason for Request field, type the reason for requesting consumption of the asset.
The details entered in this field are visible to all designated approvers who would review the consumer registration request for the asset.
11. Click Consume.
If there are any approvals configured for the consumer registration process, then a consumer registration request is sent to the designated list of approvers. Otherwise, the selected consumers are immediately registered with the asset and the registration is reflected through the Consumers count in the Basic Information profile.