CentraSite 10.3 | CentraSite User’s Guide | Runtime Governance | Consumer Management | The Design/Change-Time Policy Used for Consumer Registration | Creating Consumer Registration Policy
Creating Consumer Registration Policy
To create a consumer registration policy, you must have the Manage Design/Change-Time Policies permission in CentraSite.
The consumer-registration policy is a policy that includes the Register Consumer action and executes on the OnConsumerRegistration event. The OnConsumerRegistration event occurs when you submit the registration request. CentraSite does not provide a consumer-registration policy out-of-the-box. You must create this policy for your instance of CentraSite.
If you are using the Authorize User policy action to control access to a virtual service at run time, you should strongly consider including an approval step in your consumer-registration policy. When you use this form of access control on a virtual service, registering a consumer application with the virtual service grants that consumer application permission to invoke the service. To ensure that only authorized applications are registered with a virtual service, you might want to have a security administrator review and approve this type of registration request.
You can create a consumer registration policy in CentraSite Control using the Add Design/Change-Time Policy page.
*To create a consumer registration policy
1. In CentraSite Control, go to Policies > Design/Change Time.
2. Click Add Policy.
3. In the Policy Information panel, specify the following fields:
In this field...
Do the following...
Type a name for the new consumer registration policy. The policy name can contain any character (including spaces).
Optional. Type a description for the new policy. This description appears when a user displays a list of policies in the user interface.
Optional. Specify a version identifier for the new policy.
The version identifier does not need to be numeric.
1.0.0 (beta)
Pre-release 001
The version identifier you type here is the policy's public, user-assigned version identifier. CentraSite also maintains an internal, system-assigned version number for the policy.
Type an integer that represents the priority of this policy with respect to other policies that might be triggered by the same event.
4. In the Scope panel, specify the object and event types to which the policy applies.
In this field...
Do the following...
Object Types
Choose Asset (of any type).
Event Types
Choose OnConsumerRegistration.
Specify the organization to which the policy applies or select All if the policy applies to all organizations.
5. Click Next.
6. To impose an approval process on OnConsumerRegistration event. On the policy's Actions tab, add the following actions. Ensure that the approval action precedes the Register Consumer action:
*Initiate Approval —OR— Initiate Group-dependent Approval
*Register Consumer
7. Click Finish to save the new (as yet incomplete) policy.
8. Complete the new policy by configuring the approval action's input parameters.
9. Insert additional actions before and after this pair of actions as necessary. The following example shows an action list that obtains the required approval, executes the registration process, and then grants instance-level permissions to the consumers that the policy registers:
Initiate Approval
Register Consumer
Set Consumer Permission
10. Activate the policy when you are ready to put it into effect.