CentraSite 10.3 | CentraSite Administrator’s Guide | Configuring CentraSite | Configuring Port Numbers | Changing Software AG Runtime Port Numbers
Changing Software AG Runtime Port Numbers
The default Software AG Runtime port numbers for the CAST components are 53307 for plain HTTP communication and 53308 for HTTPS communication.
The port numbers are configured in property files that are located in <Software AG_directory>/profiles/CTP/configuration/com.softwareag.platform.config.propsloader. If for any reason these port numbers are unsuitable (for example, your environment might require these port numbers for a non-Software AG application), you can change them in the appropriate property files as follows:
*com.softwareag.catalina.connector.http.pid-CentraSite.properties: This file contains parameter settings for HTTP communication.
*com.softwareag.catalina.connector.https.pid-CentraSite.properties: This file contains parameter settings for HTTPS communication.
*com.softwareag.catalina.connector.http.pid-CentraSite-CrrHttp.properties: This file is provided for compatibility with previous product releases, for which different default port numbers were used.
*To change the Software AG Runtime port numbers
1. Open the property file in a rich text editor.
You can find the property files in the <Software AG_directory>/profiles/CTP/configuration/com.softwareag.platform.config.propsloader directory.
2. Set the value of the new port number.
3. Restart Software AG Runtime.