CentraSite 10.3 | CentraSite Administrator’s Guide | Configuring CentraSite | Maintaining the CentraSite Internal Database | Configuring CentraSite Database Locations
Configuring CentraSite Database Locations
To configure the database locations of CentraSite through the CentraSite Command Line (.cmd) Interface, you must have the CentraSite Administrator role.
CentraSite uses certain default locations on disk to store information about the active CentraSite Registry or Repository session and the backup environment. These locations are:
Location type
Default path
The Temporary Working Location. This location contains temporary data that is required during normal database operation.
The Backup Location. This is the location where backup files are created by default.
The Log Location. This is the location where session log files are created by default.
If the log archive location is defined, the log location holds only the most recent session log, and all other logs are stored in the log archive location.
The Log Archive Location. This is the location where all session logs other than the current session log are stored.
If no log archive location is defined, all session log files are held in the log location, regardless of whether they are the log file of the current session or a previous session.
(no default defined)
The Reserved Location. This location is used as an overflow area if the database's standard locations have filled up.
The CentraSite installation procedure defines default paths for each of these location types. Depending on your storage requirements, you can change these defaults to use different or additional paths.
CentraSite provides a set of inoadmin command tools for monitoring and configuring the database locations.
*To configure the CentraSite database locations
*Listing the Currently Defined Locations: To list the available locations on disk, run the command showlocations.
The syntax is of the format: inoadmin showlocations <server>
inoadmin showlocations CentraSite
*Changing the Currently Defined Path of a Location: To change the currently defined path of a location, run the command setlocation.
The syntax is of the format: inoadmin setlocation <server> <LocationType> <path> [<path> ...]
where <LocationType> is one of the location types. The location can be assigned to more than one path. If several paths are defined, they are used in the order specified from left to right, when there is no more disk space available in a path, the next path is used.
If the path contains spaces or characters that the operating system treats as escape characters in the command line (for example, the backslash character \ in Windows), you must enclose the path in quotes.
The path or paths you specify completely replace the previously specified path or paths. If you want to extend the current path specification with an additional path, you need to use the setlocation command and specify both the existing path and the new path.
The following example sets the new default path for the Backup location to C:\backuploc1 and D:\backuploc2. This means that C:\backuploc1 is used as long as there is available disk space, if it is full, then D:\backuploc2 is used instead.
inoadmin setlocation CentraSite backup C:\backuploc1 D:\backuploc2