CentraSite 10.3 | CentraSite Administrator’s Guide | Configuring CentraSite | Maintaining the CentraSite Internal Database | Repository Monitoring | Displaying the Database Activity
Displaying the Database Activity
To display the database activity information through the CentraSite Command Line Interface, you must have the CentraSite Administrator role.
CentraSite provides a command tool named showactivity for this purpose.
The tool displays the following items of database activity information:
Bufferpool size
The total amount of memory available for caching database blocks.
Current used bufferpool size
The amount of memory currently being used to store cached database blocks.
Current number of Index blocks
The number of currently cached blocks from the Index part of the database.
Current number of Data blocks
The number of currently cached blocks from the Data part of the database.
Current number of Temp blocks
The number of currently cached blocks from the Temp part of the database.
Number of buffer flushes
The number of physical writes from the buffer pool to the disk that have occurred during the current CentraSite session.
A buffer flush is the process whereby CentraSite copies the entire contents of the buffer pool to disk, then deletes the contents of the buffer pool. This frees up the buffer pool for subsequent logical I/O operations.
Logical reads
The number of database read operations that accessed the buffer pool during the current CentraSite session.
Physical reads
The number of database read operations that caused a physical disk access during the current CentraSite session.
Bufferpool hit rate
The ratio of times that a read operation was satisfied from the buffer pool rather than from the disk during the current CentraSite session, expressed as a percentage.
Current bufferpool hit rate
The buffer pool hit rate, limited to the time period between the previous and current activation of the command showactivity.
Flush limit
The maximum amount of buffer pool space that can be in use before a buffer flush takes place. If this value is exceeded, an automatic buffer flush occurs.
Modified pages in bufferpool
The ratio of modified pages to unmodified pages in the buffer pool, expressed as a percentage.
Dynamic pool size
The size of the dynamic pool. The dynamic pool is a separate cache area, not part of the main buffer pool, and is used as a work area for certain operations such as sort and search operations. The dynamic pool is shared across all users of the system.
Current used dynamic pool size
The amount of the dynamic pool currently in use.
Maximum pool usage
The high-water mark of the dynamic pool usage during the current session.
Current number of space waiters
The number of users or applications that are currently waiting for space allocation in the dynamic pool.
Total number of space waiters
The total number of users or applications that have waited for space allocation in the dynamic pool during the current session.
*To display the database activity information
*Run the command showactivity.
The syntax is of the format: inoadmin showactivity <server>
inoadmin showactivity CentraSite