CentraSite 10.3 | CentraSite Administrator’s Guide | Configuring CentraSite | Configuring Registry Cache Settings | Modifying Registry Cache Configuration
Modifying Registry Cache Configuration
To modify the cache configuration of CentraSite registry through the CentraSite Command Line Interface, you must have the CentraSite Administrator role.
The CentraSite Registry or Repository (CRR) must be online.
CentraSite provides a Java tool named CentraSiteCacheConfiguration.jar for this purpose. You must execute the Java tool CentraSiteCacheConfiguration.jar with a SET keyword.
The SET keyword is followed by pairs of option and value. After the modification operation is completed, the tool displays the modified cache configuration.
The following options may be specified:
*Option: maxElementsOnHeap: The option maxElementsOnHeap defines the maximum number of elements in the cache. A value of 0 means no limit. Once the cache is full, an element is evicted according to the algorithm specified by the memoryStoreEvictionPolicy option.
*Option: maxElementsOffHeap: The option maxElementsOffHeap defines the amount of off-heap memory available to the cache. Off-heap memory is a separate unit of memory available outside of the conventional JVM heap which can be used for caching.
This option's values are given as <number>k|K|m|M|g|G|t|T, where the units can be kilobytes (k|K), megabytes (m|M), gigabytes (g|G), or terabytes (t|T).
For example, maxMemoryOffHeap="2g" allots 2 gigabytes to off-heap memory. A value of 0 means no off-heap memory.
Before using off-heap memory, direct memory space, also called direct (memory) buffers, must be allocated. In most popular JVMs, direct memory space is allocated using the Java property -XX:MaxDirectMemorySize. This memory space, which is part of the Java process heap, is separate from the object heap allocated by -Xmx. The value allocated by -XX:MaxDirectMemorySize must not exceed the physical RAM and is likely to be less than the total available RAM due to other memory requirements. The value allocated to direct memory should be at least 32MB more than the off-heap memory allocated to the caches.
The use of this option requires a special license key. For further information contact your software supplier.
*Option: memoryStoreEvictionPolicy: The option memoryStoreEvictionPolicy defines the algorithm to be used in case an element needs to be evicted from the cache. Possible values are:
*LRU - least recently used
*LFU - least frequently used
*FIFO - first in first out
*Option: statistics: The option statistics defines whether the cache should capture statistical information and if yes at which accuracy level. The statistics comprise information like cache hits, cache misses and average time to get an element. Possible values are:
*OFF - no statistics
*ACCURACY_NONE - fast but not accurate
*ACCURACY_BEST_EFFORT - best effort accuracy
*ACCURACY_GUARANTEED - guaranteed accuracy
If none of the options is specified in the SET operation, the existing value is copied.
*To modify the cache settings for JAXR
*Run the Java tool CentraSiteCacheConfiguration.jar.
The syntax is of the format: C:\SoftwareAG\CentraSite\utilities>CentraSiteToolbox.cmd CentraSiteCacheConfiguration.jar <CentraSite URL> <admin user id> <password> SET <option> <value>[<option> <value> ...]
The input parameters are:
CentraSite URL
The URL of the CentraSite registry. For example, http://localhost:53307/CentraSite/CentraSite.
admin user id
The user ID of a registered CentraSite user who has the CentraSite Administrator role. For example, Administrator.
The password for the CentraSite user identified by the parameter admin user id.
Example (all in one line):
C:\SoftwareAG\CentraSite\utilities>CentraSiteToolbox.cmd CentraSiteCacheConfiguration.jar http://localhost:53307/CentraSite/CentraSite DOMAIN\admin pAsSw0rD SET maxElementsOnHeap 10000