CentraSite 10.3 | CentraSite User’s Guide | Runtime Governance | Virtual Service Asset Management | Managing Virtual Service Assets through CentraSite Control | Virtual SOAP Service Management | Configuring Virtual Services | Configuring Routing Protocol for Web Services Exposed over JMS
Configuring Routing Protocol for Web Services Exposed over JMS
You can use the Routing Protocols step to specify a JMS queue to which the Mediator is to submit the request, and the destination to which the Native Service is to return the response.
*To configure the Routing Protocols step for Web Services exposed over JMS
1. In CentraSite Control, go to Asset Catalog > Browse.
2. In the displayed list of asset types, select Virtual Service.
3. In the Assets pane, right-click the Virtual Service you want to configure, and click Details.
The Virtual Service Details page is displayed.
4. In the Processing Steps tab, click Routing Protocols.
5. Click the Routing Protocols tab. Select JMS. Specify an appropriate information for each of the displayed fields, and then click Save:
For reasons of legibility some of the examples below contain break lines and may not work when pasted into applications or command line tools.
A connection alias for connecting to the JMS provider (for example, an Integration Server alias or a JNDI URL). For example, a JNDI URL of the form:
Note that the wm-wsendpointalias parameter is required for Integration Server/Mediator to look up the JMS consumer alias to send the request to the specified queue (for example, MyRequestQueue), which is a dynamic queue in ActiveMQ. Also, the targetService parameter is required if sending to another Virtual Service that uses JMS as the entry protocol.
Optional. A numeric value that specifies the priority of the JMS message in the queue.
Reply to Destination
Optional. A queue name for the incoming JMS request.
Time to Live
Optional. A numeric value (in milliseconds) that specifies the lifespan of the JMS message.
Delivery Mode
Optional. The type of message delivery to the endpoint.
*None (default).
*Persistent: The message is stored by the JMS server before delivering it to the consumer.
*Non-Persistent: The message is not stored before delivery.
Message Properties
The message properties to use.
*Use Existing (default): Use existing properties.
*Customize: Specify one or more property names and values. To add additional rows, use the plus button.
JMS Headers
The JMS headers that you want to use to authenticate the requests.
*Use Existing (default): Use existing headers.
*Customize: Specify one or more header names and values. To add additional rows, use the plus button.