CentraSite 10.3 | CentraSite User’s Guide | Runtime Governance | Virtual Service Asset Management | Managing Virtual Service Assets through CentraSite Business UI | Virtual REST Service Management | Viewing and Modifying Virtual REST Service Details | Viewing and Modifying Extended Details of Virtual REST Service
Viewing and Modifying Extended Details of Virtual REST Service
You use the Resources and Methods profile of a Virtual REST Service to view, modify, and delete the extended REST components - Resources and Methods. CentraSite Business UI displays a list of the currently defined Resources, or Methods based on the Resource-Centric view or Method-Centric view that you select.
If you have multiple Resources and Methods defined for a Virtual REST Service, you would modify the Resources and Methods using the corresponding Edit icons in the Resources and Methods profile.
*To examine and modify the details of resources and methods
1. In CentraSite Business UI, access the Advanced Search panel in one of the following ways:
*Click the Browse link in the upper-left corner of the menu bar.
*Click the Search icon next to the Scope list. The default search scope is Assets.
This displays a list of assets in the Search Results page.
2. In the Additional Search Criteria list, select Asset Types.
3. To search for the assets of type, Virtual REST Service, click Choose.
This opens the Choose Asset Types dialog box.
4. In the Choose Asset Types dialog box, select the Assets option button, and then follow these steps:
a. Click the chevron next to Assets option button.
b. In the displayed list of asset types, select Virtual REST Service.
c. Click OK.
A list of defined Virtual REST Service assets is displayed in the Search Results page.
5. Click the Virtual REST Service you want to examine and modify the extended attributes.
This opens the Virtual REST Service details page. Also, the actions bar displays a set of actions that are available for working with the Virtual REST Service.
You can hover over the info symbol next to an attribute to display the tooltip text, which describes the purpose of the attribute. The tooltip text displays the values of the attribute's Name, and Description fields that are contained in the Virtual REST Service type definition.
6. To modify the Virtual REST Service details that are displayed in the Resource and Methods profile, on the actions bar, click Edit.
7. Select the Resource and Methods profile. Add or modify the REST information at the Resource level and at the Method level, as required.
*Resource level details include the basic information for a REST Resource, and its Request Parameters.
*Method level details include the basic information for a REST Method, its Request parameters, Content Types, Status Codes, and HTTP Messages that are defined for the REST Method.
8. To modify the details of a REST Resource, follow these steps:
a. In the list of REST Resources, hover over the resource you want to modify the attributes.
b. Click the Edit icon.
This opens the Edit Resource dialog box
c. In the Edit Resource dialog box, provide the required information for each of the displayed data fields:
Name of the REST Resource.
Make sure the name you specify in this field is a valid value for NCName.
Resource Path
The Resource URI.
(Optional). The description for the REST Resource.
Upload Schema
(Optional). The XML Schema Definition (XSD) file for the REST Resource.
If you have a Virtual REST Service that uses XML as content, then you can optionally upload an XML schema document.
Upload Files
(Optional). Input files that provide additional information about the REST Resource.
(Optional). Request Parameters for the REST Resource.
Modify an Existing Parameter
a. In the list of Parameters, hover over the Parameter for which you want to modify the attributes.
This displays icons for one or more actions that you can perform on the Parameter.
b. Click the Edit icon.
This opens the Edit Parameter dialog box.
c. In the Edit Parameter dialog box, provide new values for the fields.
d. Click OK.
e. Repeat for each Parameter that you want to modify in the REST Resource.
Delete an Existing Parameter
a. In the list of Parameters, hover over the Parameter you want to delete.
This displays icons for one or more actions that you can perform on the Parameter.
b. Click the Delete icon.
c. Repeat for each Parameter that you want to delete from the REST Resource.
Add a New Parameter
a. Click the Add Parameter link.
This opens the Add Parameter dialog box.
b. In the Add Parameter dialog box, provide values for the REST Parameter.
To specify multiple parameters, click the Add Parameter link, and provide values for the new parameters.
c. Click OK.
d. Repeat for each Parameter that you want to add to the REST Resource.
9. To modify the details of a REST Method, follow these steps:
a. In the list of Resources, hover over the Resource for which you want to modify the attributes.
b. Click the Edit icon.
This opens the Edit Resource dialog box
c. In the Edit Method dialog, provide the required information for each of the displayed data fields:
Name of the REST (HTTP) Method.
(Optional). The description for the REST Method.
HTTP Method
The HTTP operation you want to perform on the REST Resource.
Request Content-Type
The content format for HTTP Request message.
Response Content-Type
The content format for HTTP Response message.
(Optional). Request Parameters for the REST Method.
Modify an Existing Parameter
a. In the list of Parameters, hover over the Parameter for which you want to modify the attributes.
This displays icons for one or more actions that you can perform on the Parameter.
b. Click the Edit icon.
This opens the Edit Parameter dialog box.
c. In the Edit Parameter dialog box, provide new values for the fields.
d. Click OK.
e. Repeat for each Parameter that you want to modify in the REST Method.
Delete an Existing Parameter
a. In the list of Parameters, hover over the Parameter you want to delete.
This displays icons for one or more actions that you can perform on the Parameter.
b. Click the Delete icon.
c. Repeat for each Parameter that you want to delete from the REST Method.
Add a New Parameter
a. Click the Add Parameter link.
This opens the Add Parameter dialog box.
b. In the Add Parameter dialog box, provide values for the REST Parameter.
To specify multiple parameters, click the Add Parameter link, and provide values for the new parameters.
c. Click OK.
d. Repeat for each Parameter that you want to add to the REST Method.
(Optional). HTTP Requests indicating the operation that could be performed with the addressed REST Resource.
Modify an Existing Request
a. In the list of HTTP Requests, hover over the Request for which you want to modify the attributes.
This displays icons for one or more actions that you can perform on the Request.
b. Click the Edit icon.
This opens the Edit Request dialog box.
c. In the Edit Request dialog box, provide new values for the fields.
d. Click OK.
e. Repeat for each Request that you want to modify in the REST Method.
Delete an Existing Request
a. In the list of HTTP Requests, hover over the Request you want to delete.
This displays icons for one or more actions that you can perform on the Request.
b. Click the Delete icon.
c. Repeat for each Request that you want to delete from the REST Method.
Add a New Request
a. Click the Add Request link.
This opens the Add Request dialog box.
b. In the Add Request dialog box, provide values for the HTTP Request.
To specify multiple requests, click the Add Request link, and provide values for the new requests.
c. Click OK.
d. Repeat for each Request that you want to add to the REST Method.
(Optional). HTTP Responses indicating the success or failure of a request invocation.
Modify an Existing Response
a. In the list of HTTP Responses, hover over the Response for which you want to modify the attributes.
This displays icons for one or more actions that you can perform on the Response.
b. Click the Edit icon.
This opens the Edit Response dialog box.
c. In the Edit Response dialog box, provide new values for the fields.
d. Click OK.
e. Repeat for each Response that you want to modify in the REST Method.
Delete an Existing Request
a. In the list of HTTP Responses, hover over the Response you want to delete.
This displays icons for one or more actions that you can perform on the Response.
b. Click the Delete icon.
c. Repeat for each Response that you want to delete from the REST Method.
Add a New Response
a. Click the Add Response link.
This opens the Add Response dialog box.
b. In the Add Response dialog box, provide values for the HTTP Response.
To specify multiple requests, click the Add Response link, and provide values for the new requests.
c. Click OK.
d. Repeat for each Response that you want to add to the REST Method.
Sample Requests and Responses
(Optional). Sample Requests to the Resources of the Virtual REST Service, and the corresponding Sample Responses from the Virtual REST Service.
Modify an Existing Sample
a. In the list of Sample Requests and Responses, hover over the Sample for which you want to modify the attributes.
This displays icons for one or more actions that you can perform on the Sample.
b. Click the Edit icon.
This opens the Edit Sample Request and Response dialog box.
c. In the Edit Sample Request and Response dialog box, provide new values for the fields.
d. Click OK.
e. Repeat for each Sample that you want to modify in the REST Method.
Delete an Existing Sample
a. In the list of Sample Requests and Responses, hover over the Sample you want to delete.
This displays icons for one or more actions that you can perform on the Sample.
b. Click the Delete icon.
c. Repeat for each Sample that you want to delete from the REST Method.
Add a New Sample
a. Click the Add Request and Response link.
This opens the Add Sample Request and Response dialog box.
b. In the Add Sample Request and Response dialog box, provide values for the Sample.
To specify multiple samples, click the Add Response link, and provide values for the new samples.
c. Click OK.
d. Repeat for each Sample that you want to add to the REST Method.
10. Click Save.