CentraSite 10.3 | CentraSite User’s Guide | Runtime Governance | Virtual Service Asset Management | Managing Virtual Service Assets through CentraSite Business UI | Virtual REST Service Management | Adding Virtual REST Service to Your Asset Catalog
Adding Virtual REST Service to Your Asset Catalog
To create and manage Virtual REST Service asset in CentraSite Business UI, you must have the following permissions:
*CentraSite Administrator
*Organization Administrator
*Asset Provider
*API Runtime Provider (required to configure run-time actions for the Virtual REST Services)
*Mediator Publisher (required to publish Virtual REST Services to Mediator gateways)
*API Portal Publisher (required to publish Virtual REST Services to API Portal gateways)
*Instance-level Modify permission for a gateway (required to publish Virtual REST Services to that particular gateway)
If you have the CentraSite Administrator role, you can create and manage Virtual REST Services within any organization.
If you have the Organization Administrator role or API Portal Administrator role for a specific organization, you have the ability to create and manage Virtual REST Services within that specific organization.
The following general guidelines apply when adding a Virtual REST Service in CentraSite Business UI:
*Ensure that the interface for the Native REST Service is completely implemented and that the interface is reflected in the RAML or Swagger file that is registered for the service in the CentraSite repository.
*An instance of the service is deployed and running at a known point in network.
*The metadata for the Native REST Service is valid and up-to-date. If the metadata for the Native REST Service has not been completely specified or is out-of-date, you should update it before you generate the Virtual REST Service so that you do not carry inaccurate/incomplete data into the Virtual REST Service.
In CentraSite Business UI, you can add a Virtual REST Service asset to the catalog in the following ways:
*You can create a Virtual REST Service from an existing REST service, also called as a (Native) REST Service in CentraSite, meaning that you create the virtual copy (proxy) of the existing REST Service using an already imported input file.
*You can create a Virtual REST Service using an importer, which is a utility that generates the Virtual REST Service from an imported archive file.
*You can create a Virtual REST Service from scratch, meaning that you create the Virtual REST Service (and set its attributes) manually.
*You can create a Virtual REST Service using a command line tool, which is a utility that generates the Virtual REST Service from an input RAML or Swagger file.