CentraSite 10.3 | CentraSite User’s Guide | Asset Management | Managing Assets through CentraSite Control | General Procedures across Assets | Managing Asset Revisions | Switching Revision Processing Off
Switching Revision Processing Off
To switch the revision processing off, ensure that:
*All of the JAR files of the redist folder are included in the CLASSPATH variable.
*The location of the redist folder is included in the PATH variable. This is because the redist folder contains libraries required by the Java classes.
The redist folder is located directly under the CentraSite installation directory.
Currently, revision processing is switched off using a Java command at the command line.
*To switch the revision processing off
*Run the command java com.centrasite.registry.revision.admin.RevisionAdministrator -disable -user user -password password.
The user you specify must belong to the CentraSite Administrator role.
The Java program now runs to completion and the revision processing is switched off.
If you want to run the Java program to access a CentraSite registry running on a remote host, you can add the option -h <host> to the Java command, where <host> is the URL of the remote CentraSite host.