CentraSite 10.3 | CentraSite User’s Guide | Asset Management | Managing Assets through CentraSite Business UI | General Procedures across Assets | Versioning an Asset | Creating New Version of Asset
Creating New Version of Asset
When you version an asset, you become the owner of the new version of the asset. Ownership is not carried forward from the previous version.
The new version of the asset will belong to the same organization as its previous version.
*To create new version of an asset
1. In CentraSite Business UI, access the Advanced Search panel in one of the following ways:
*Click the Browse link in the upper-left corner of the menu bar.
*Click the Search icon next to the Scope list. The default search scope is Assets.
This displays a list of assets in the Search Results page.
2. Click the asset you want to create a new version.
This opens the Asset Details page. Also, the actions bar displays a set of actions that are available for working with the displayed asset.
3. On the actions bar of the asset, click New Version.
4. In the Add Version dialog box, provide the required details as follows:
The namespace associated with this new version.
This is of specific relevance for web service assets. The namespace given here reflects the target namespace defined in the associated WSDL file. A change of the namespace can be a differentiating factor between versions. Note that if you supply a new namespace here, you should ensure that the WSDL associated with this asset also reflects the new namespace.
New User Version
An identifier for the new version. You can use any versioning scheme you choose. The version identifier does not need to be numeric.
1.0.0 (beta)
Pre-release 001
Specify the organization to which this new version will be added.
The Organization list contains the names of all organizations for which you have Manage Assets permission.
Choose the organization with care. You cannot change the organization assignment after the service is versioned. You can, however, export a versioned service from one organization and import it to another.
Change Log
Optional. A comment or other descriptive information about the new version.
Propagate versions to dependent objects
(CentraSite only processes this checkbox for assets of type Service.)
Mark this checkbox if you wish to automatically create new versions of all of the service's dependent schemas. The schemas will only be updated if you have permissions to modify them.
5. Click OK.
6. Click Save.