CentraSite 10.3 | CentraSite User’s Guide | Asset Management | Managing Assets through CentraSite Control | General Procedures across Assets | Changing Ownership of Asset | Changing User Ownership of Asset
Changing User Ownership of Asset
To transfer asset ownership of a user, you must have the Manage Organizations permission or at least the Manage Users permission in CentraSite.
Users who have the Manage Organizations permission have the Manage Users permission by implication.
*To change the user ownership of assets
1. In CentraSite Control, go to Asset Catalog > Browse.
2. In the Assets pane, right-click an asset whose ownership you want to change, and then click Change Owner.
You can also select multiple assets, click the Actions menu, and click Change Owner
You can also initiate this step using the Actions menu in the details page of an asset.
3. In the Change Owner dialog box, select the user to whom you want to transfer ownership of the asset.
To filter the list, type a partial string in the Search field. CentraSite applies the filter to the Name column.
Displays names that contain b
Displays names that contain bar
Displays all users and groups
4. To transfer the assets to a different organization, select the organization from the Organization list box.
Only organizations for which the user has Create Assets permission are available for selection.
If you do not select an organization from the Organization list box, the selected assets remain in their current organizations. CentraSite does not automatically transfer the assets to the selected user's organization.
If you have selected several assets where one or more of them are predefined assets, such as UDDI Services, you can use the Change Owner button to change the ownership of all of the selected assets. However, as you are not allowed to change lifecycle state of predefined assets, only assets you have permission for are changed.
5. Click OK.