CentraSite 10.3 | CentraSite User’s Guide | Asset Management | Managing Assets through CentraSite Business UI | General Procedures across Assets | Attaching Supporting Documents to Asset | Attaching Asset Definition Files
Attaching Asset Definition Files
An asset definition (input) file is type-specific and depends on the type of asset to which it will be attached. The following table lists the asset types installed with CentraSite and identifies the types of files they require as input.
For this asset...
You must supply this type of file...
Web Service (including Abstract Service)
Web Service Definition Language (WSDL) file.
XML Schema
XML Schema Definition (XSD) file.
XML Process Definition Language (XPDL) file.
You can also choose the option Resolution, which will allow you to specify how already existing imported/included files (further WSDL or schema) are handled. For each of the imported/included files you have one of these options:
*Overwrite the file with new content.
*Create a new version of the file with the new content (if, for example, you want to modify a schema but want to retain its previous version).
*Reuse any version of the file (if, for example, an intermediate version of a schema is currently referred to by a WSDL, you can redirect it to the newest version).
You can attach an input file to an asset instance in the following ways:
*You can attach a document from your file system.
*You can attach any document on the network that is accessible via a URL.
When you attach a WSDL file, keep the following points in mind:
*The Service asset has no WSDL already attached. In this case the WSDL will just be attached to the asset.
You have the choice between just reusing any existing version of the WSDL/schema file or uploading a new version.
*Select an existing version. An existing version of the WSDL/schema file is attached to the asset. The asset name will be changed to the WSDL's file name.
*Upload a new version. A new version of the WSDL/schema file is attached and uploaded in the repository. The asset name will be changed to the WSDL's file name.
The WSDL can only be attached if no WSDL with the same name and namespace already exists in the CentraSite repository.
*The Service asset already has an attached WSDL file. In this case you can attach any WSDL file to it, even with a different file name and/or different namespace.
Moreover you have the choice between just overwriting the Service asset or creating a new version.
*Always overwrite. The WSDL content in the repository gets replaced by the new content. The asset's name and the classifications Local-Name and namespace are modified according to the new information.
*Always create new versions. A new asset will be established with the information from the WSDL file which will be a new version of the attached one. The original WSDL asset will not be modified.
Limitations: The following restrictions apply for attaching a WSDL file to a Service asset:
*If a WSDL W1 is already referred to by another WSDL W2, WSDL W1 cannot be replaced by a new WSDL that has a modified file name or a modified namespace. This restriction does not apply if the create new version option is used.
*When you use the Attach button, you can only attach a WSDL file to the most recent version of a Service asset.
*If you attach a WSDL with a different file name and/or a different namespace, then there must not be another existing WSDL with same name and namespace.
*Consider the Service asset has a Name Validate Policy defined that enforces unique name. In this case; the WSDL file is attached only if the Service name in the WSDL is the same as the Name pattern defined in the validation policy.
The same restrictions apply when attaching an XML schema file to XML Schema asset or and XPDL file to Process asset.
*To attach an input file to asset
Prerequisite: Before you begin, you must have the input file that you want to attach. This file can reside on the file system of the computer where your browser is running, or it can reside anywhere on the network, as long as its location is addressable through a URL.
1. In CentraSite Business UI, access the Advanced Search panel in one of the following ways:
*Click the Browse link in the upper-left corner of the menu bar.
*Click the Search icon next to the Scope list. The default search scope is Assets.
This displays a list of assets in the Search Results page.
2. Click the asset you want to attach an input file.
This opens the Asset Details page. Also, the actions bar displays a set of actions that are available for working with the displayed asset.
3. On the actions bar of the Asset Details page, click Attach.
4. In the Attach Document dialog, specify whether the input file will be read from a URL-addressable location on the network (the URL option) or from your local file system (the File option). Do one of the following as appropriate:
*If the file you are attaching resides on the network, enable the URL option. Specify its URL.
*If the file resides in your local file system, enable the File option. Specify the file name. You can use the Choose File button to navigate to the required folder.
To ensure that CentraSite sets the file type correctly in the repository, the name of the file should include an extension that indicates the type of data it contains.
5. Expand Advanced Settings and complete the following steps as necessary.
a. If you have specified a URL and the site you want to access via the URL requires user authentication, enter a username and password for authentication at the URL site.
b. You can also use the Resolution option, which will allow you to specify how an already existing imported/included file (further WSDL or schema) is handled. For each of the imported/included files you have one of these options:
Always ask
Reuse the existing WSDL/schema files referred to in the main WSDL/schema file, or replace the existing WSDL/schema files by uploading new files.
Always overwrite
Overwrite the existing WSDL/schema files in the registry with the new ones specified by the input file.
Always create new versions
Create a new version of the file with the new content.
If you choose the Always ask option and there is more than one input file with the same name and namespace, you can choose between these. To allow you to select the required file, the dialog Reuse Existing Asset lists the available assets that match the given file name, and also their available versions. You can view the description of any asset in the list; this is useful if you want to check that you have selected the correct asset's file from the list.
6. Choose Attach.