CentraSite 10.3 | CentraSite Developer's Guide | API for JAXR | CentraSite API for JAXR Reference Information | Method createSlot
Method createSlot
The method createSlot in the interface LifeCycleManager takes 3 parameters; its signatures are as follows:
Slot createSlot (String name, String value, String slotType)
Slot createSlot (String name, Collection values, String slotType)
The CentraSite implementation accepts any value of type String, or a null reference, for the third parameter, slotType. This parameter is stored with the slot, but it is not interpreted in any way. Note, however, that the JAXR standard does not indicate how this parameter should be interpreted; it might, for example, be interpreted as indicating the data type of the slot in some future implementation. Software AG recommends specifying the slotType as an xs:string.