CentraSite 10.3 | CentraSite User’s Guide | Suite Usage Aspects | Using CentraSite with ARIS | Provisioning CentraSite Services into ARIS Architect
Provisioning CentraSite Services into ARIS Architect
CentraSite provides Web service operations for provisioning the Integration Server (IS) services and Web services into ARIS Architect.
The Web service operations filter Integration Server (IS) Services that are classified under the concept called WMAssetType -> ReusableAsset. An Integration Server service is classified under this concept, when the Reuse property value is set to public in Designer. This helps in filtering the default Integration Server services (example wMPublic), if they are published to CentraSite.
Following are the list of Web service operations that help in provisioning CentraSite services into ARIS:
These operations are part of SearchService (Web service).
Each of these operations have their object types differentiated using a property element that comes as part of the response payload as below.
Object Type Representation for Integration Server Service
<ns5:property><name>ServiceType</name><value>IS Service</value></ns5:property>
Object Type Representation for Web Service