CentraSite 10.3 | CentraSite Developer's Guide | API for JAXR | Pre-defined Classification Schemes (Taxonomies)
Pre-defined Classification Schemes (Taxonomies)
The CentraSite registry has several pre-defined classification schemes:
*All the classification schemes that are defined in the JAXR standard.
*A classification scheme for the products using CentraSite. Thus, each registry object can be classified with its product. This makes it easy to find all registry objects originating from a particular product.
The name of this classification scheme is Products and its member concepts are CentraSite and products that use CentraSite.
*A classification scheme for database management systems: This can be used to classify data sources by the type of the database management system they represent.
The name of this classification scheme is Databases and its member concepts are:
*A classification scheme for content types: This can be used to classify external links with their content type/MIME type.
The name of this classification scheme is Content Type.
*A classification scheme for the types of objects in the CentraSite repository: This can be used to classify external links with their repository object type.
The name of this classification scheme is RepositoryObjectType and its member concepts are:
*Some external classification schemes used for UDDI mapping: