CentraSite 10.3 | CentraSite User’s Guide | Policy Management | Managing Design and Change-Time Policies through CentraSite Control | Scope of a Design/Change-Time Policy
Scope of a Design/Change-Time Policy
System-wide and Organization-specific Policy Enforcement
Modifying Scope of a Design/Change-Time Policy
Refining the Object Scope
Scope refers to the set of properties that determine when a policy is enforced. For a design/change-time policy, scope is determined by the policy's Object Types, Event Types and Organization properties, which are described below.
Object Types
The list of object types to which this policy applies.
If the object that you select is a base type that has virtual types associated with it and the Inherit Base Type Policies option is enabled for certain of its virtual types, be aware that the policy you create is applied to instances of the base type and instances of those virtual types.
You can optionally restrict a policy to specific instances of the selected object types by specifying additional object-selection criteria.
Event Types
The list of event types to which the policy applies.
Not all event types occur for all object types.
The OnCollect, OnMove, and OnExport events are designed to execute handler and collector processes. Do not use these events unless you are creating a handler or collector policy. The improper use of these event types can damage the registry.
Determines whether the policy belongs to a specific organization or is system-wide.