CentraSite 10.3 | CentraSite User’s Guide | Policy Management | Managing Design and Change-Time Policies through CentraSite Control | Approval Policies | Approver Groups
Approver Groups
An approver group is a user group that identifies the set of individual who are authorized to approve a submitted request. An approver group can be composed of users from any organization.
If you want approvers to be able to review the details for an object that they are asked to approve, make sure those users have View permission on the object. For example, if the users in group ABC is required to approve assets that are switched to a certain lifecycle state, make sure that the users in group ABC have View permission on the assets that they are asked to approve. Without View permission, approvers will not be able to examine the details of the assets that users submit to them for approval.
Changing the membership of an approver group does not affect requests that are already pending approval. When CentraSite submits a request to the approval engine, it assigns the users from the specified approver group to that request. The request retains its assigned set of approvers throughout the entire approval process.
For example, let's say that approval policy P1 uses approver group AG1 and that AG1 contains users A and B. If a user submits a request that triggers P1, users A and B iscome the designated approvers for that request. Let's say that while this request is waiting for approval, an administrator modifies group AG1 and replaces users A and B with users X and Y. This change have no effect on the request that is awaiting approval. Users A and B continues to its designated approvers. The changes to group AG1 will only affect new requests that policy P1 submits for approval.