CentraSite 10.3 | CentraSite User’s Guide | Policy Management | Predefined Policies | The Collector and Handler Policies Provided with CentraSite
The Collector and Handler Policies Provided with CentraSite
The Default Collector
The Default Delete Handler
The Default Move Handler
The Default Export Handler
The collector and handler policies are used to delete, move, and export composite objects in a consistent way. Composite objects are objects that are made up, in part, of other registry objects. A Service object, for example, includes Operation objects, Binding objects, and Interface objects. When you delete, move, or export a Service object, you want CentraSite to delete, move, or export the Service object and its related components.
*The collector policy produces a list of the components (shared and nonshared) and required objects that are associated with a given instance of a composite object.
*The handler policy performs the delete, move, or export operation (depending on the type of handler that has been invoked) on the given object based on the list of components and required objects the handler receives from the collector.
For example, when you delete an instance of a Service object, the Service delete handler policy invokes the Service collector policy to identify the set of components and required objects associated with that particular instance of a Service (for example, its operations, bindings, interfaces, XML schemas, supporting documents, and so on). The delete handler then deletes the Service object and all of the nonshared components that were identified by the Service collector.
The following diagram illustrates how the handler and collector policies interact during a move, delete, or export operation:
To understand collectors and handlers, you must understand the concepts of shared components, nonshared components and required objects.
The Default Collector and Handler Policies
The default collector and handler policies are used by many of the predefined types installed with CentraSite.
CentraSite also assigns the default collector and handler policies to custom types that you create.
Because CentraSite uses these policies for many of the predefined types and also assigns the handler policies to new types by default, you must not edit, delete, or deactivate them.
CentraSite uses the following policies for deleting, moving and exporting registry objects:
*Default Collector
*Default Delete Handler
*Default Move Handler
*Default Export Handler
Specialized Collector and Handler Policies for Assets
The following table lists the specialized collector and handler policies that CentraSite uses for deleting, moving, and exporting instances of certain predefined asset types.
You must not edit, delete, or deactivate any of the following policies.
Policy Name
Collector Policy For BPEL Process
Performs the collection process for BPEL Process objects. For a list of the components that this collector returns, see the BPEL Process component list.
Collector Policy for OData Service
Performs the collection process for OData Service objects. For a list of the components that this collector returns, see the OData Service component list.
Collector Policy For Process
Performs the collection process for Process objects. For a list of the components that this collector returns, see the Process component list.
Collector Policy for REST Service
Performs the collection process for REST Service objects. For a list of the components that this collector returns, see the XML/REST Service component list.
Collector Policy for Schema
Performs the collection process for XML Schema objects. For a list of the components that this collector returns, see the XML Schema component list.
Collector Policy for Virtual OData Service
Performs the collection process for Virtual OData Service objects. For a list of the components that this collector returns, see the Virtual OData Service component list.
Collector Policy for Virtual REST Service
Performs the collection process for Virtual REST Service objects. For a list of the components that this collector returns, see the Virtual XML/REST Service component list.
Collector Policy for Virtual Service
Performs the collection process for Virtual Service objects. For a list of the components that this collector returns, see the Virtual Service component list.
Collector Policy for Virtual XML Service
Performs the collection process for Virtual XML Service objects. For a list of the components that this collector returns, see the Virtual XML/REST Service component list.
Collector Policy for Web Service
Performs the collection process for Service objects. For a list of the components that this collector returns, see the Service component list.
Collector Policy for WS-Policy
Performs the collection process for WS-Policy objects. For a list of the components that this collector returns, see the WS-Policy component list.
Collector Policy for XML Service
Performs the collection process for XML Service objects. For a list of the components that this collector returns, see the XML/REST Service component list.
Collector Policy for IS Service Interface
Performs the collection process for Integration Server (IS) Service Interface objects. For a list of the components that this collector returns, see the IS Service Interface component list.
Virtual Service Export Handler
Performs the export process for Virtual Service objects.
Specialized Collector and Handler Policies for Other Registry Objects
The following table lists the set of collector and handler policies that CentraSite uses for deleting, moving, and exporting instances of certain registry objects that are not assets. You must not edit, delete, or deactivate these policies:
Policy Name
Asset Type Export Handler
Performs the export process for asset type definitions.
Collector Policy For Lifecycle Model
Performs the collection process for lifecycle models.
Collector Policy For Policy
Performs the collection process for Policy objects.
Default User Move Handler
Performs the move operation on users.
Taxonomy and Category Export Handler
Performs the export process for taxonomies and their categories.