CentraSite 10.3 | CentraSite User’s Guide | Introduction | Using the CentraSite Business User Interface | User Profile Management
User Profile Management
Viewing Your User Profile
Modifying Your User Profile Details
Changing Your Profile Picture
CentraSite allows you to view and manage your profile. In CentraSite Business UI, your profile is a collection of useful data about you. The User Preferences page in CentraSite Business UI enables you to view and manage your own profile.
By default, the User Preferences page presents the following information:
*Your contact information, such as, display name, first name and last name, photo, email address, organization, phone number, and so on.
*Your notification preference.
*Your display language and locale settings, date and time format, and the time zone in the defined locale.
*A list of your portlets.
*A list of your API keys or OAuth2 client tokens.
*A list of your saved searches, favorites, and so on.
Some settings might not take effect until you log off and then log back in to your CentraSite application.