CentraSite 10.3 | CentraSite User’s Guide | Introduction | Using the CentraSite Business User Interface | Using the Help Center
Using the Help Center
Accessing CentraSite's Help Center
CentraSite's Help Center gives an overview of the functionality of CentraSite Business UI.
Following are the various help topics in CentraSite Business UI:
Begin with our Introduction section to know about the features that are offered by the CentraSite Business UI.
All about Assets
Chances are, you're here to check out the possible actions on an asset. For quick access to various modifications on the asset, start with this page that lists All about Assets.
Using Keyword Searching
Need some help with Using Keyword Searching? The CentraSite Business UI provides a powerful search facility. You can search for assets across organizations, classifications and types on the basis of several search criteria using ALL/ANY combinations. We'll also tell you how to define a simple search and give you plenty of points that help you define a simple search.
Browsing the Catalog
You'll undoubtedly need to view the complete list of assets at some point. You can also view a list of assets that belong to a particular asset type, organization, and user by Browsing the Catalog.
Managing the Catalog
Need some help with Managing the Catalog? CentraSite has dozens of assets that you'll want to get familiar with. We'll show you how to create or import an asset of a certain type and give you plenty of information if you want to go further on asset's definition.
Collaborating on Assets
We can provide you with all the details about approving requests for assets. The Collaborating on Assets section of the Help Center is all about approval management, so start here if you need info about the approval workflows.
Working with Notifications
You can start Working with Notifications feature to request CentraSite to alert you when specified assets are modified. The notification can be sent to you through an Email and/or Inbox, depending on how notification is configured in your user preferences.
Customizing your Welcome Page
The Welcome page of the CentraSite Business UI is configurable and you can set up views of your most frequently used functions and reports as portlets. You can walk through the contents of the Welcome page and the supported portlet types in our Customizing Your Welcome Page section.
Updating Your User Profile
Need some help with Updating Your User Profile? You can change various aspects of the CentraSite Business UI displays to suit your personal preferences.
Further Resources
For more information about CentraSite Business UI and its functions, see the Further Resources section.