CentraSite 10.3 | CentraSite Developer's Guide | Importing Objects Using API | Writing Your Own Importer
Writing Your Own Importer
The Build Environment
The Plug-In Environment
Propagating the Plug-In
Generating Additional Files
Activating the Plug-In
Deactivating the Plug-In
You can write your own plug-in for CentraSite Control to incorporate your own importer. The prepared plug-in is a collection of files in a specific directory structure. After implementing the plug-in, the files must be copied into the CentraSite Control webapps folder under:
The location of the <RuntimeWebAppsDir> folder is <RuntimeDir> /workspace/webapps.
The folder <MyPluginFolder> must contain the following files and folders:
Name of File or Folder
Top plug-in description file
Files generated for the GUI
Files generated for the GUI
Directory for icons (GIF files)
Directory for JAR files provided by the plug-in
Directory created by HTML generation
The ImportMyFile framework illustrates how an import plug-in may be set up. The example extends the import selection list and presents a screen that prompts for the file to be imported. After confirming the file, the appropriate adapter classes are called.