CentraSite 10.3 | CentraSite Administrator’s Guide | Configuring CentraSite | Configuring Application Server Tier | Configuring Java Service Wrapper
Configuring Java Service Wrapper
By default, the CentraSite installation procedure installs the CentraSite Application Server Tier on Software AG Runtime. You can configure your Software AG Runtime environment by adding or modifying Java Service Wrapper properties. The Java Service Wrapper is an application developed by Tanuki Software, Ltd. It is a utility program that launches the JVM in which CentraSite runs.
In addition, the Java Service Wrapper offers features for monitoring the JVM, logging console output, and generating thread dumps. The following sections describe how CentraSite uses the features of the Java Service Wrapper. For an overview of the Java Service Wrapper, see the webMethods cross-product document, Software AG Infrastructure Administrator's Guide.
The Java Service Wrapper Configuration Files
For CentraSite, the files reside in the <Software AG_directory>/profiles/CTP/configuration directory.
When you start Software AG Runtime, properties in the following files determine the configuration of the JVM and the behavior of the logging and monitoring features of the Java Service Wrapper.
File name
Contains property settings that are installed by CentraSite.
Do not modify the contents of this file unless asked to do so by Software AG.
Contains properties that modify the installed settings in wrapper.conf.
If you need to modify the property settings for the Java Service Wrapper, then modify this file. The settings in this file override settings in the wrapper.conf file.
The following sections describe configuration changes that CentraSite supports for Java Service Wrapper. Do not make any configuration changes to the Java Service Wrapper other than the ones described in the following sections:
JVM Configuration
When the Java Service Wrapper launches JVM, it provides configuration settings that, among other things, specify the size of the Java heap, and the directories in the classpath.
JVM Configuration Properties
The wrapper.java properties in the Java Service Wrapper configuration files determine the configuration of the JVM in which CentraSite runs.
The JVM property settings that CentraSite installs are suitable for most environments. However, you can modify the following properties if the installed settings do not suit your needs. For procedures and additional information, see the webMethods cross-product document, Software AG Infrastructure Administrator's Guide.
Initial size (in MB) of the Java heap.
Maximum size (in MB) to which the Java heap can grow.
wrapper.java.classpath. n
Directory in the classpath.
wrapper.java.additional. n
Java option to be passed in on the command line.
The Wrapper Log
The Java Service Wrapper records console output in a log file. The log contains the output sent to the console by the wrapper itself and by the JVM in which CentraSite is running. The wrapper log is especially useful when you run CentraSite as a Windows service because console output is normally not available to you in this mode.
The Java Service Wrapper log for CentraSite is located in the
<Software AG_directory>\profiles\CTP\logs\wrapper.log file.
Logging Properties
The wrapper.console and wrapper.log properties in the wrapper configuration files determine the content, format, and behavior of the wrapper log.
The logging settings that CentraSite installs are suitable for most environments. However, you can modify the following properties if the installed settings do not suit your needs. For procedures and additional information, see the webMethods cross-product document, Software AG Infrastructure Administrator's Guide.
Level of messages to display in the console.
Format of messages in the console.
File in which to log messages.
Level of messages to write in the log file.
Format of messages in the log file.
Maximum size to which the log can grow.
Number of old logs to maintain.
Level of messages to write to the Event Log on Windows systems or the syslog on UNIX.
Fault Monitoring
The Java Service Wrapper can monitor the JVM for the certain conditions and then restart the JVM or perform other actions when it detects these conditions.
The following table describes the fault-monitoring features CentraSite uses or allows you to configure. To learn more about these features, see the webMethods cross-product document, Software AG Infrastructure Administrator's Guide.
User configurable?
JVM timeout
No. Do not modify the wrapper.ping properties unless asked to do so by Software AG.
Deadlock detection
Yes. For more details see, Deadlock-Detecting Properties.
Console filtering
Yes. For more details see, Console Filtering Properties.
JVM Timeout Properties
The wrapper.ping.interval properties in the wrapper configuration files determine whether the wrapper monitors the JVM for timeout and what action it takes when a timeout occurs. To use timeout with CentraSite, you can configure the following properties. See the webMethods cross-product document, Software AG Infrastructure Administrator's Guide for procedures and additional information.
How often, in seconds, the Java Service Wrapper pings JVM to ensure that it is active. The default is 5 seconds.
Length of time, in seconds that the Wrapper waits for a response to a ping. Set this property to 60. If the Wrapper does not receive a response in the specified time, it initiates the action specified in wrapper.ping.timeout.action.
Action to take if the Wrapper does not receive a response to a ping in the allotted time. Set this property to DEBUG,DUMP,RESTART.
Deadlock-Detection Properties
The wrapper.check.deadlock properties in the wrapper configuration files determine whether the wrapper monitors the JVM for deadlocks and what action it takes when a deadlock occurs. To use deadlock-detection with CentraSite, you can configure the following properties. See the webMethods cross-product document, Software AG Infrastructure Administrator's Guide for procedures and additional information.
Flag (TRUE or FALSE) that enables or disables deadlock detection. The default is FALSE.
How often, in seconds, the Java Service Wrapper evaluates the JVM for a deadlock condition. The default is 60 seconds.
Action that occurs if the Java Service Wrapper detects a deadlock condition.
Information to log when the Wrapper detects a deadlock condition. Set this property to DEBUG,DUMP,RESTART.
Console Filtering Properties
The wrapper.filter properties in the wrapper configuration files determine whether the wrapper monitors the console for specified messages and what action it takes when a specified message occurs. To use console filtering with CentraSite, you can configure the following properties. However, Software AG recommends that you do not modify these properties unless asked to do so. See the webMethods cross-product document, Software AG Infrastructure Administrator's Guide for procedures and additional information.
wrapper.filter.trigger. n
String of text that you want to detect in the console output.
wrapper.filter.action. n
Action that occurs when the Java Service Wrapper detects the string of text.
wrapper.filter.allow_wildcards. n
Flag (TRUE or FALSE) that specifies whether the Java Service Wrapper processes wildcard characters that appear in wrapper.filter.trigger. n.
wrapper.filter.message. n
Message that displays when Java Service Wrapper detects the string of text.
Generating a Thread Dump
The Java Service Wrapper provides a utility for generating a thread dump of the JVM when CentraSite is running as a Windows service. A thread dump can help you locate thread contention issues that can cause thread blocks or deadlocks.
Go to the <Software AG_directory>/profiles/CTP/bin directory and execute the command service -dump. The Java Service Wrapper writes the thread dump to the wrapper.log file in the <Software AG_directory>/profiles/CTP/logs directory.
For information about generating a thread dump using the Java Service Wrapper, see the webMethods cross-product document, Software AG Infrastructure Administrator's Guide.