CentraSite 10.3 | CentraSite User’s Guide | Asset Management | Managing Assets through CentraSite Control | Searching and Browsing the Asset Catalog
Searching and Browsing the Asset Catalog
The set of assets available to you when you search or browse the asset catalog are the assets on which you have the View permission. You can obtain View permission on an asset in the following ways:
*By belonging to a role that includes any of the following permissions.
This permission...
Allows you to...
View Assets
View all assets within a specified organization.
Modify Assets
View and edit all assets within a specified organization.
Manage Assets
View, edit, and delete all assets within a specified organization, and set instance-level permissions on those assets. This permission also allows you to create assets.
Create Assets
Add new assets to a specified organization. You automatically receive Full permission (which implies Modify and View permission) on all assets that you create.
*By having View, Modify, or Full instance-level permissions on an asset.
By default, all CentraSite users belong to the Asset Consumer role. This role includes the View Assets permission for the organization to which a user belongs.
Having the Asset Consumer role gives you implicit view permission on all the assets in your organization. You can view assets from other organizations only if you are given permission to do so through the assignment of additional role-based or instance-level permissions.
In rare instances, an administrator might not grant view permissions to all of the users in an organization. If the administrator of your organization has done this, you will need instance-level permissions on an asset in order to view it.
Using Search Metacharacters in the Keyword Search
Certain characters have a special function when used in the keyword search:
*Wildcard characters allow you to search for keywords that match a string pattern.
*The quote character (") is used to group keywords into phrases.
*To force the keyword search to treat these metacharacters as normal characters, precede the character with a backslash (\). If you want to include the backslash character itself in the search, type two backslashes.
Using Keywords
You can define the input for the keyword search in the following ways:
*A keyword search consists of 1-n search keywords. Multiple keywords are space separated. If multiple keywords are given, a logical disjunction (OR) is implied.
*A keyword is treated as partial text which can occur at the beginning of the searched strings. The starts with semantics are implied.
Example: If the keyword is customer, then the following matches are returned: A sample svc for customers as well as customerservice.
*As multiple keywords are OR combined, the keywords can match a single phrase (for example, in the description) or individual keywords can occur in different attributes.
Example: If a search is conducted for customer service, then customer could be matched in the description and service in an object specific attribute.
*If quotes (" ") exist around a phrase, then a search is performed on the exact phrase within the quotes. A space within a quoted phrase is considered as a space character and not as a logical operation.
*You can mix and match any number of words and quoted phrases within the keyword field.
*The search is neither case nor accent sensitive, even within a quoted phrase.
Example: A search for abc will return the same results as a search for ABC or Abc.
*If you type a string that contains an odd number of double-quote characters, then the last double-quote character is ignored when the search is performed.
*If the keyword search input field is empty when the search is executed in CentraSite Control, the search returns all available assets.
*The simple search can include wildcard characters.
Using Wildcards
The available wildcard characters are as follows:
* or %
If you use the percent symbol (%) or the asterisk (*), CentraSite replaces the wildcard symbol with as many characters as necessary to find a match. For example, an entry of A%n returns both Amazon and American. If you type *al, then CalcService, Calendar and AustralianPostCode all fit the search criteria.
? or _
If you use the question mark (?) or the underscore (_), CentraSite replaces the wildcard symbol with a single character in order to find a match. Example: CustomerSVC?Request matches any character for ?.
You can use a wildcard character at any point in the keyword text and multiple times throughout the keyword text. If you type a wildcard character in the middle of a string, for example cat*dog, then at least one of the searched attributes must contain the string in order for the asset or supporting document to be included in the result set.
If a wildcard character between two words is surrounded by spaces, such as word1 * word2, the wildcard will match one word.
Here are some general guidelines:
*Certain non-alphanumeric characters that can appear in the name of an asset are currently ignored by CentraSite's wildcard mechanism when you include them in a keyword search. In particular, the hyphen (-) is ignored. Thus, if you have created the assets asset-1 and asset_1, the wildcard search for asset?1 will find asset_1 but not asset-1.
*The percent (%) character acts as a word delimiter when it appears in the text to be searched. Thus, for example, if the description field of an asset contains the text abc%def (the characters a, b, c, %, d, e, f), this is treated by the search mechanism as two adjacent words abc and def. A wildcard search such as abc*def looks for a single word beginning with abc and ending with def, so the search will not find this asset.
Searchable Attributes
You can specify generic attributes (that is, attributes common to all asset types) and type-specific attributes as search criteria.
Generic Attributes
The generic attributes that can be used as search criteria in CentraSite Control are described in the following table:
Search Attribute
Use this attribute to search for assets whose name matches a specified text string.
You can specify a substring or expression that can be combined with a contains word (default option), starts with, equals, or not equals expression. The search is neither case nor accent sensitive. If starts with is used, no wildcard is necessary as a postfix. If contains word is used, the word given is treated as a partial string with implicit wildcards. If equals or not equals is used, no wildcards are supported.
If multiple substrings have been given the parameters are implicitly quoted. Explicit quotations and wildcards can be used and behave in the same way as for keyword searches.
Use this attribute to search for assets whose description matches a specified text string.
Usage is the same as for the Name attribute.
Internal Classification
Use this attribute to search for assets that are classified with the selected classification and the optional category or subtree.
The selection of a category is optional to allow searching for all assets where a taxonomy was applied irrespective of the category. If a subtree was selected, then all categories contained in the subtree are considered for search.
External Classification
Use this attribute to search for assets that are classified with the selected classification and the optional category or subtree.
Searches for all objects that are classified with the selected taxonomy and the optional value. The input of a value is optional and allows you to search for all assets where a taxonomy was applied irrespective of the category. For the value, wildcards are also allowed and the behavior is the same as for name searches.
LifeCycle State
Use this attribute to search for assets that are in a specified lifecycle state.
Use this attribute to search for assets with a specified creation date.
You can select a date and apply a before/after/on/between criterion. If between is used, a second input field allows you to specify the end date.
The date input parameters allow year, month, and day input as well as hour and minute. Hour and minute default to 0. The data format is used as specified in the account preferences of a user (defaults to yyyy-mm-dd). No wildcards are supported.
Use this attribute to search for assets with a specified modification date.
Usage is the same as for the Creation Date attribute.
Use this attribute to search for assets belonging to a specified user.
Select the user through a Browse selection list.
Use this attribute to search for assets provided by a specified organization.
Select the organization through a Browse selection list.
Use this attribute to search for an asset that exactly matches the given UDDI V3 key.
If no prefix uddi: is given, this is implied automatically. No wildcards are supported.
Object-specific property
Use this attribute to search for assets that match the specified object-specific property.
You can specify one or more of the local name, namespace, and value of the attribute. You can for example search just by local name (without value or namespace) to retrieve assets that use the same object specific attribute name.
Wildcards are allowed for name and value, and they can be used in the same way as for keyword searches.
Type-specific property
Use this to search for assets, based on the values of type-specific attributes. When you select this criterion, the dialog presents two related fields: one for specifying the name of the type-specific attribute and one for specifying the value to be searched for.
Use this attribute to search for assets that match the specified association.
This allows you to retrieve all assets that participate in an association or as a relationship attribute. You can select an association type and select if the assets to be found are: target, source or either case. In addition you can optionally specify the asset types that are the source/target of the association. (Example: find all services that have an outgoing <uses> association to an XML Schema).
Custom Condition
Use this attribute to type a custom XQuery condition to be combined with other given criteria.
Use this attribute to select required versions of assets.
If you select show all, the result list contains all versions of an object in which other criteria matched. If you select newest only, only the latest version of an asset is displayed. If you select exact match, you need to type an additional parameter which is treated as version information. The search is conducted across system and user versions.
Use this attribute to search by checkpoint label or checkpoint range (time interval).
Use this attribute to search by revision label (user version) and revision range (time interval). You can type a string value as the revision label. For the label startsWith, equals, notEquals and containsWord, operators are available as in search by name, with the same handling of wildcards. In addition a user can select date range to retrieve all revision created in the given data interval. A date based search does not require that a label is given. As search results the revision instances are retrieved (not the objects having that revision in history).
Extension Point Search
Use this attribute to specify a search criterion through a user-defined pluggable UI extension.
When you select this criterion, a field appears with a drop-down menu that shows all of the available extension points for a search. Select the required extension point.
Click the Modify button. This invokes the user-defined Adapter (layout) screen for typeing custom search-related settings.
For information on defining an extension point for a search, see the CentraSite Developer’s Guide.
Type-Specific Attributes
In addition to the generic attributes listed in the table above, each asset type can have its own type-specific search criteria, based on the type-specific attributes of the asset type.
The type-specific attributes can be selected in two ways in CentraSite Control:
*Select the entry Type-specific property in the drop-down list of generic search criteria, as described in the table above.
*Select one of the additional entries in the Criteria list as follows:
The type-specific search criteria are shown in the Criteria list in the form <AttributeName> (<DataType>), where <AttributeName> is the name of the type-specific attribute and <DataType> is the data type of the attribute.
For example, if you select the asset type Service in the Types field, the Criteria drop-down list contains search criteria like SOAP-Version (String), which refers to the service's type-specific attribute SOAP-Version which has the data type String.
Depending on the data type of the type-specific attribute you select, the Criteria section of the dialog changes to reflect the search possibilities for that data type.
Attribute Data Types and Supported Search Operators
Not all attribute data types support the full set of search operators. Some data types execute only with certain operators.
The following tables lists the supported search operators you can use when searching for attributes depending on their data types.
Data Type
Search Operators and Description
International String
Multiline String
IP Address
N/A. Assumed toEquals.
N/A. Assumed toEquals.