CentraSite 10.3 | CentraSite User’s Guide | Asset Management | Managing Assets through CentraSite Business UI | REST Service Management | Modifying REST Service Details
Modifying REST Service Details
Modifying Basic Details of REST Service
Modifying Extended Details of REST Service
You use the details page of a REST Service asset to examine and modify the RAML or Swagger specification.
The asset type REST Service has a unique set of profiles. However, an administrator can configure this asset type to display a customized set of profiles and attributes.
The following general guidelines apply when modifying the details of a REST Service in CentraSite Business UI:
*If you are not the owner of the REST Service asset, you cannot modify the details of the REST Service, unless you have the View or Modify permission on the REST Service (granted though either a role-based permission or an instance-level permission).
*When you view the details page of a REST Service asset, you will only be able to modify the attributes of the profiles on which you have the Modify permission.
*When you hover over an attribute, CentraSite displays the tooltip text that provides a short description of the attribute's purpose.
*Some attributes accept only specific types of information. For example, if the REST Service asset type includes a URL type attribute, you must supply a URL when you modify that attribute. Other attribute types that require a specific type of value include the Date and Email attributes.
*Some attributes are designed to be read-only. You cannot modify the read-only attributes even if you have the CentraSite Administrator role.
*You can toggle the Resources | Methods menu to display the details of a REST Service in either the Resources view or the Methods view. The default display is Method-Centric view.
*When you are examining the Resources and Methods of a REST Service, you can choose to delete one or more of the top level REST components - REST Resources and the REST Methods.
*When you are modifying the Resources and Methods of a REST Service, you can choose to delete the other REST components - REST Parameters, HTTP Requests, HTTP Responses, and Sample Requests and Responses.
*When you view the REST Service details page in an Edit mode, you will only see an editable user interface of the Resource-Centric view. There is no Method-Centric view in the Edit mode.
*In addition to modifying the REST components of a REST Service, you can choose to delete one or more of the REST components - REST Resources, REST Methods, REST Parameters, HTTP Requests, HTTP Responses, and the Sample Requests and Responses.
*Currently, CentraSite supports only specific properties of the RAML and Swagger specifications. For example, if the Swagger specification includes a swagger version property, you will not be able define the swagger's version in the REST Service details page.