CentraSite 10.11 | CentraSite User’s Guide | Asset Management | Managing Assets through CentraSite Business UI | General Procedures across Assets | Viewing Logs | Viewing Policy Log
Viewing Policy Log
The policy log contains information about the policies that CentraSite has executed. By default, CentraSite only logs information about policies that fail. However, you can optionally configure CentraSite to log information about policies that result in success, informational, warning, and failure alerts. For more information on configuring logs, see Configuring Logs.
To view the policy log, you must belong to a role that includes the View Policy Log permission.
*If you belong to the CentraSite Administrator role, you can view all the policy log entries.
*If you belong to the Organization Administrator role for an organization, you can view the policy log entries that are triggered by users in your organization.
*If you do not belong to either of these roles, but you have the View Policy Log permission, you can view the log entries for the policies that you have triggered.
Over time, the policy log can grow quite large, especially if you are logging information about successful policies. To prevent the policy log from growing too large, you should purge it periodically. For more information on purging logs, see Purging Logs.
*To view the policy log
1. In the CentraSite Business UI activity bar, click Logs.
2. To navigate between different logs, select the required log from the Applicable Scopes drop-down list. By default, Policy Logs is selected in Applicable Scopes.
3. Optional. To view a specific log entry, specify the required information for each of the displayed fields:
A pattern string that describes the names of the objects whose log entries you want to view.
You can provide the exact name or use a pattern string consisting of a character sequence.
Leave the Keyword empty to view all names.
Applicable Types
The asset type whose log entries you want to view.
To view the log entries for a specific asset type, select an applicable type from the drop-down list.
Advanced Search
Applicable Event Types. The event type whose log entries you want to view.
To view the log entries for a specific event type, select an applicable event type from the drop-down list.
Policy Status. The policy execution status that you want to view.
A policy's execution status is the result set of each of its action's execution result. CentraSite writes the policy execution status to the policy log depending on the log configuration.
To view the log entries for a specific policy status, select policy execution status from the Policy Status drop-down list.
Success. Displays policies that have resulted in success.
Failure. Displays policies that have resulted in failure.
Warning. Displays policies that have resulted in warning.
Info. Displays policies that have resulted in informational alert.
Execution Date. The time period that you want to view the logs for.
When you select a specific date range, CentraSite lists all the logs in the specified time interval.
Leave the From and To fields empty to view all the log entries from the time policy was executed.
The log entries are displayed in the Search Results page.
4. To view details for a particular entry in the returned policy log list, click the name of the policy.
The policy details page displays the following information:
The Policy Information section provides the following details of the policy log:
Name of the policy.
The user who executed the policy.
Execution Date
Date when the policy was executed.
Status of the policy. Example: Success, Failure, Warning, Info
Object Type
Type of the object on which the policy is executed.
Object Name
Name of the object on which the policy is executed.
Event Type
The event type of the policy.
The Actions section provides the details of the list of policy actions executed. The details of the policy actions listed are as follows:
Policy Action Name
Name of the policy action.
Message displayed to the user after the policy action is executed. The message displayed is specific to the policy action executed.
Status of the policy after the policy action is executed. Example: Success, Failure.
*If a policy includes a WS-I action, the log entry for the policy includes a link to view the WS-I action report.
*If a policy includes a promote action, the log entry for the policy includes a link to view the promote action logs.