CentraSite 10.11 | CentraSite User’s Guide | Runtime Governance | Runtime Events and Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Metrics | The Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Metrics
The Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Metrics
For the Monitoring event type, the types of KPI metrics that API Gateway can publish are:
Reports on...
The percentage of time that a virtual service was available during the current interval. A value of 100 indicates that the service was always available. Only the time when the service is unavailable counts against this metric. If invocations fail due to policy violations, this parameter could still be as high as 100.
Average Response Time
The average amount of time it took the service to complete all invocations in the current interval. This is measured from the moment API Gateway receives the request until the moment it returns the response to the caller.
Fault Count
The number of failed invocations in the current interval.
Maximum Response Time
The maximum amount of time it took the service to complete an invocation in the current interval.
Minimum Response Time
The minimum amount of time it took the service to complete an invocation in the current interval.
Successful Request Count
The number of successful service invocations in the current interval.
Total Request Count
The total number of requests for each service running in API Gateway in the current interval.