CentraSite 10.11 | CentraSite User’s Guide | Runtime Governance | Runtime Events and Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Metrics | Destinations for Monitoring and Transaction Events
Destinations for Monitoring and Transaction Events
For the Monitoring and Transaction event types, in addition to the SNMP, Elasticsearch, and EDA/Database destinations, there are additional event notification destinations to select from.
Monitoring events are generated by the following run-time actions that you can configure for your virtual services in CentraSite:
*Monitor Service Performance
*Monitor Service Level Agreement
*Throttling Traffic Optimization
Transaction events are generated by the run-time action Log Invocations.
Destinations for Monitoring and Transaction events are as follows and you selects these destinations when you configure your virtual services in CentraSite:
*An EDA/Database destination
*An Elasticsearch destination
*The CentraSite SNMP server or a third-party SNMP server
*An API Portal destination
The additional destinations for monitoring and transactional events are:
SMTP Email
To specify an SMTP email destination, you must:
*Select Email as a destination when you configure the run-time actions.
*Set the Email Configuration parameters in Integration Server.
The Integration Server's Local Log
To specify the Integration Server's local log as a destination, you must:
*Select Local Log as a destination when you configure the run-time actions. When configuring actions, you must also specify the severity of the messages to be logged (the logging level).
*Set the Integration Server Administrator's logging level for API Gateway to match the logging levels specified for the run-time actions.
The Integration Server's Audit Log
You can select the Integration Server Audit Log as a destination for the Log Invocation action only. If you expect a high volume of invocations in your system, it is recommended that you select the Audit Log destination. For more information, see webMethods Audit Logging Guide.