CentraSite 10.11 | CentraSite User’s Guide | Runtime Governance | Introduction to Runtime Governance | Runtime Governance with API Gateway | Enabling API Editing in API Gateway
Enabling API Editing in API Gateway
When CentraSite run-time aspects are enabled, you cannot edit the details of an API from API Gateway if the API is published from CentraSite. However, you can enable the editing of APIs in API Gateway using the APIGatewayDeploymentSettings setting located in the centrasite.xml file.
*To enable API editing in API Gateway
1. Open the customization file, centrasite.xml, in a rich text editor.
You can find the centrasite.xml file located in the directory CentraSiteInstall_Directory\cast\cswebapps\BusinessUI\custom\conf.
2. Locate the APIGatewayDeploymentSettings setting in the file and set its value of APIMetadata readonly to false.
<APIMetadata readonly="false" />
3. Save the customization file.
4. Restart Software AG Runtime for the change to take effect.
You can now edit the details of an API from API Gateway.